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  • ISO 8130-13-2019 pdf free.Coating powders – Part 13: Particle size analysis by laser diffraction. 4 Pnnciple A coating powder sample is analysed by dynamic light scattering. The powder particles scatter hght and their intensities are measured at various angles by a multi array detector to yield a scattering pattern. The pattern is then translonned to numerical values, using an appropriate optical model and mathematical prnedurc, to yield the proportion of the total volume of particles for a discrete number at size classes forming a volumetric particle size distribution (PSI)). 5 Apparatus Ordinary laboratory apparatus, together with the following: 5.1 Laser dllfractlon particle size analyser, as specified in ISO 13320. with a mar range of I im to 300 pm. The instrument should bc located in a clean drait free environment to avoid particulate contamination and be vibration free such that signal to noise ratio is not compromised. More specific guidance Is provided in ISO 13320. The apparatus shall have a feeder suitable for coating powders of different particle shape and a dispersing unit ensuring a constant and agglomerate frcc Ilow of the coating powder For coating powders, compressed air or vacuum is used to disperse the powder particles, and it…

  • ISO 9809-1-2019 pdf free.Gas cylinders一Design, construction and testing of refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes一Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders and tubes with tensile strength less than 1 100 MPa. Assessment of conformity to this international standard shall take into account the applicable regulations of the countries of use. To ensure that cylinders conform to this document, they shall be subject to inspection and testing in accordance with Clauses 9. 10 and II. Tests and examinations performed to demonstrate compliance with this document shall be conducted using instruments calibrated before being put into service and thereafter according to an established programme. 6 Materials 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 Materials for the manufacture of gas cylinders shall fall within one of the following categories: a) internationally recognized cylinder steels; b) nationally recognized cylinder steels; c) new cylinder steels resulting from technical progress. For all categories, the relevant conditions specified in 2 and 6 shall be satisfied. 6.1.2 The material used for the manufacture of gas cylinders shall be steel, other than rimming quality with non-ageing properties and shall be fully killed with aluminium and/or silicon. In cases where examination of this non-ageing property is required by the customer, the criteria…

  • ISO 1183-1-2019 pdf free.Plastics一Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics一Part 1:Immersion method, liquid pycnometer method and titration method. Immersion vessel: a beaker or other wide-mouthed container of suitable size for holding the immersion liquid. Stationary support, e.g. a pan straddle, to hold the immersion vessel above the balance pan. Thermometer, graduated at 0.1 °C intervals, covering the range 0 °C to 30 °C. Wire (if required), corrosion-resistant, of diameter not greater than 0,5 mm, for suspending specimens in the immersion liquid. Sinker, of suitable mass to ensure complete immersion of the specimen, for use when the density of the specimen is less than that of the immersion liquid. 5.1.1,7 Pycnometer. with a side-arm overflow capillary, for determining the density of the immersion liquid when this liquid Is not water. The pycnometer shall be equipped with a thermometer graduated at 0.1 °C intervals from 0 °C to 30 °C. Liquid bath, capable of being thermostatically controlled to within ±0,5 °C, for use in determining the density of the immersion liquid. 5.1.2 Immersion liquid Use freshly distilled or deionized water, or another suitable liquid, containing not more than 0,1 % of a wetting agent to…

  • ISO 9873-2019 pdf free.Dentistry一Intra-oral mirrors. The mirror casing/stem joint shall withstand the test load without any sign of weld failure. Distortion of the casing is not considered as a failure. Test in accordance with £5. 4.5 Handle All external surfaces of the handle shall be visibly free from imperfections. Test in accordance with Si. 4.6 Resistance to reprocessing lntra-oral mirrors, including the handle, shall withstand 100 reprocessing cycles, as defined by the manufacturer’s instructions in accordance with ISO 17664, without deformation or showing signs of corrosion. There shall be no visible damage to the reflective coating and there shall be no ingress of water. The manufacturer shall specify if the mirror handle shall be disassembled from the head for the reprocessing cycle. The manufacturer shall specify the maximum number of reprocessing cycles for both the mirror and the handle if this is less than 100 cycles. In this case this number shall be used for the test, in place of the 100 cycles. Test in accordance with £2. 5 Measurement and test methods 5.1 Visual inspection Conduct visual inspection at normal visual acuity without magnification. 5.2 Resistance to reprocessing Submit the mouth mirror to 100 reprocessing cycles according to the…

  • ISO 683-3-2019 pdf free.Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels – Part 3:Case-hardening steels. A comparison between the designation of steels given in this document with various designation systems is given in AniiexL 5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 5.1 Mandatory information The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order: a) quantity to be delivered; b) designation of the product form (slab, bloom, billet, round bar or square bar, wire rod, wide flats, sheet, plate, strip, forging. etc.); c) either the designation of the dimensional standard(s) and the dimensions and tolerances selected from this or these (see Z) or, for example, in the case of drop forgings, the designation of the drawing or any other document covering the dimensions and tolerances required for the product; d) a reference to this document. i.e. ISO 6833; e) the designation of the steel type given in Table& f) standard designation for a test report 2.2 or, if required, any other type of inspection document in accordance with ISO 10474 (or in accordance with another regional standard, e.g. EN 10204 or JIS G 0415). 5.2 Options and/or supplementary or special requirements A number of…

  • BS ISO 5355:2019 pdf free.Alpine ski-boots一Requirements and test methods. The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 527-1. Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 1: General principle ISO 527-2. Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics ISO 554, Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing — Specifications ISO 868, Plastics and ebonite — Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness) ISO 1183 (all parts), Plastics — Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics ISO 2039-1. Plastics — Determination of hardness — Part 1: Ball indentation method ISO 9407, Shoe sizes — Mondopoint system of sizing and marking ISO 9462. Alpine ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods ISO 13992. Alpine touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following…

  • BS EN ISO 10704:2019 pdf free.Water quality – Gross alpha and gross beta activity- Test method using thin source deposit. Gross alpha and gross beta activity can be measured using either a silicon surface barrier (SSB) detector or a proportional counter (windowless). Ion-implanted Si detectors and window-proportional counters (between 80 pg cm-2 to 400 pg cm-2) may also be used. Gross alpha and gross beta activity can also be counted using a silver-activated zinc sulfide scintillation screen and plastic scintillation detector, respectively. 6 Sampling Sample, handle and store water samples in accordance with ISO 56ZJ. and IS56623. Additional information on sampling of different types of waters can be found in the relative parts of the ISO 5667 series[9lLWl11[I2IlUJlI4JI11L1l. The laboratory sample is not usually acidified as the test portion is directly evaporated on the planchet. Acidification minimizes the loss of radioactive material from solution by adsorption on the wall of the vial, but is done after filtration, as otherwise it desorbs radioactive material already adsorbed on the particulate material and, also, increases the salt content of the test sample, and thus the thickness of the deposit. If necessary, concentrated nitric acid can be used (it is recommended to avoid hydrochloric…

  • ISO 10524-3-2019 pdf free.Pressure regulators for use with medical gases一Part 3: Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves (VIPRs). VIPRs shall, when transported, stored, installed, operated in normal use and maintained according to the instructions of the manufacturer, present no risks with an unacceptable level, under normal condition or SINGLE FAULT CONDITION, identified using risk management procedures in accordance with Iso 14971. The risks associated with the ignition of metallic and non-metallic materials, including the potential release of toxic products in an oxygen-enriched environment, shall be assessed according to the principles defined in ISO 15001. The design of the VIPR should be such that in the event of internal ignition, the consequences of the ignition are contained and the gas vented safely by the VIPR. Check compliance by inspection of the risk management file. A situation in which a fault is not detected is considered a normal condition. Fault conditions/hazardous situations can remain undetected over a period of time and as a consequence can lead to an unacceptable risk. In that case, a fault condition subsequently detected needs to be considered as a SINGLE FAULT CONDITION. Specific risk control measures to deal with such situations need to be determined within the…

  • ISO 10113-2020 pdf free.Metallic materials –  Sheet and strip – Determination of plastic strain ratio. The law of constancy of volume is only applicable up to the percentage of plastic extension at maximum force, Ag because after this point local necking starts and the used mathematical approaches are no longer valid. Several materials clearly show a slight local necking before A . This can lead to higher instantaneous width reduction values and results in higher r-values, especialy when an extensometer is used which measures the instantaneous width reduction only in the central region of the gauge length. In these cases, the following points are recommended: a) extensometers for measurement of the instantaneous width reduction which are able to measure the change of width in multiple locations ideally evenly distributed across the entire gauge length (see Clause 6) should be used; b) the parallel length of the test piece should be minimum six times of the original gauge width of the test piece b0. The orientation of the test piece relative to the rolling direction, and the plastic (engineering) strain for which the values of r are determined, are as specified in the relevant product standards. An r-value greater than one…

  • ISO 643-2019 pdf free.Steels一Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size. Unless otherwise stated by the product standard or by agreement with the customer, the polished face of the specimen shall be longitudinal, i.e. parallel to the principal axis of deformation in wrought products. Measurements of the grain size on a transverse plane will be biased if the grain shape is not equiaxial. 6.2 Revealing ferritic grain boundaries The ferritic grains shall be revealed by etching with nital (ethanolic 2 % to 3 % nitric acid solution), or with an appropriate reagent. 6.3 Revealing austenitic and prior-austenitic grain boundaries 6.3.1 General In the case of steels having a single-phase or two-phase austenitic structure (delta ferrite grains In an austenitic matrix) at ambient temperature, the grain shall be revealed by an etching solution. For single phase austenitic stainless steels, the most commonly used chemical etchants are glyceregia, Kalling’s reagent (No. 2) and Marbles reagent. The best electrolytic etch for single or two-phase stainless steels is aqueous 60 % nitric acid at 1,4 V d.c. for 60 s to 120 s, as it reveals the grain boundaries but not the twin boundaries. Aqueous 10 % oxalic acid, 6 V d.c., up to 60…