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  • ISO 14034:2016 pdf free download.Environmental management Environmental technology verification (ETV) Munugeinen t environ iiem en tul — Vérificu tion des tech 11 ologies environnementales (ETV). 5.2.2 Application review Administrative review Administrative review shall ensure that all information requested for the application has been pi’ovided in accordance with the requirements specified in 5.2.1. Technical review Technical review shall ensure that: a) the technology fulfils the definition of environmental technology (3.3.4); b) the performance claim for the intended application of the technology addresses the needs of the interested parties; c) the information on the technology is sufficient to review the performance claim. Any issues related to the acceptance or rejection of the application that may arise from the administrative or the technical review shall he resolved prior to the verification. Acceptance or rejection of the application shall be communicated to the applicant with justification. 5.3 Pre-verification 5.3.1 Specification of performance to be verified Performance to be verified shall be expressed by means of l)erformance 1)arameters in consultation with the applicant prior to the establishment of a verification plan. These performance parameters shall be specified considering, at a minimum: a) they are relevant and sufficient for the verification of the 1)erformaflce…

  • ISO 15223-1:2016 pdf free download.Medical devices Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied Part 1:General requirements Dispositifs médicaux — Syin boles a utiliser avec les étiquettes, l’étiquetage et les informations a fournir relcztifs aux dispositifs médicaux — Partie 1: Exigences générales. Symbols that are registered in ISO 7000 shall comply with the graphical representation in ISO 7000, especially with respect to relative dimensions, including relative line thickness, orientation and the absence or presence of filled or shaded areas. NOTE 1 ISO and IEC jointly maintain an online database of graphical symbols for use on equipment, which contains the complete set of graphical symbols included in ISO 7000 and TEC 60417 available at https://www. isoorg/obp/ul/#search. This online collection shows each graphical symbol and identifies It by a reference number and a title (in English and French). The graphical symbols are available in different formats (e.g. Al, DWG, EPS) and some additional data as applicable is provided. Various search and navigation facilities allow for easy retrieval of graphical symbols. As part of risk management, the manufacturer should determine the appropriate size for the symbol to be legible for its intended function. NOTE 2 This document…

  • ISO 17523:2016 pdf free download.Health informatics Requirements for electronic prescriptions Informatique de sante — Exigences applicables aux prescriptions electroniques. 5.2 Usage of this International Standard This International Standard provides a basis for a common understanding of the data elements contained in an electronic prescription within and across jurisdictions to achieve interoperability. This International Standard is therefore intended to be used in the process of development of standards and information systems handling electronic prescription information. Healthcare system designers should specify which data elements are supported by their implementation. The chosen subset may vary based on their intended use, regulatory background, and other aspects that condition the local requirements. However, data elements used have to fulfil the requirements of Annex A. 5.3 Use cases, actors, processes This International Standard intends to specify the requirements for the information object that is to be created when a system issues a prescription. While an electronic prescription can appear in a wide range of processes, the intended scope of this International Standard is for a simple use case: A physician enters prescription information for medication. The prescription information may then be reviewed by another professional before dispensing and the medication is then dispensed. After the dispense,…

  • ISO 16170:2016 pdf free download.In situ test methods for high efficiency filter systems in industrial facilities Méthodes d’essai in situ pour les systèmesfiltrants a très haute efficacité dans les installations industrielles. B.2 Test procedure considerations All internal upstream surfaces of the filter installation shall be subjected to an even, fully mixed (i.e. uniform) concentration of challenge aerosol. The extent to which this is achieved will determine the accuracy with which any aerosol leakage can be detected or measured. Extracted upstream aerosol samples shall be demonstrably representative of the aerosol particle concentration of the airflow. The extent to which this requirement shall be met depends on — accuracy required to meet the safety requirement for the plant or facility, and — inherent error in the measuring instruments, generation rate of the challenge, etc. Under ideal conditions (good mixing of the test aerosol, relative deviation of 10 % to the mean value), the filter penetration measured by a single test should be within 40 %. Non-ideal geometry likely to be encountered in real situations can result in considerably large errors unless appropriate countermeasures are adopted. A uniform concentration profile for the challenge aerosol is achieved by allowing an adequate mixing length between…

  • ISO 17743:2016 pdf free download.Energy savings Definition of a methodological framework applicable to calculation and reporting on energy savings Economies d’énergie — Definition d’un cadre méthodologique pour le calcul et la declaration des economies d’énergies. 4.3 Energy savings Energy savings may result from the following: — facilitating measures intended to encourage an end-user action; — EPIAs independently taken by energy end-users; — autonomous progress, other market changes or policies that arise without end-user actions intended to save energy (these are described in more detail in Facilitating measures, such as regulation, subsidy schemes or voluntary agreements, may encourage energy end-users to implement energy performance improvement actions. Facilitating measures do not by themselves result directly in energy savings. EXAMPLES Minimum energy efficiency performance standards for refrigerators, power transformers and appliance in general, tax reduction for efficient car, subsidized loans for higher efficiency industrial electric motors and voluntary agreements with manufacturers to reduce standby energy consumption of televisions. Energy end-users may take actions that lead to energy savings. These actions are known as energy performance improvement actions (EPIAs). The EPIAs may be physical, organizational, or behavioural. EXAMPLES A physical action may be to replace old refrigerators or power transformers by more efficient…

  • ISO 18081:2016 pdf free download.Non-destructive testing Acoustic emission testing (AT) Leak detection by means of acoustic emission Essais non destructifs — Con trôle par emission acoustique — Detection defuites par emission acoustique. 5.3 Influence of pressure differences The pressure difference is the primary factor affecting leak rate. However, the presence of leak paths may depend on a threshold value of fluid temperature or pressure. Pressure dependent leaks and temperature dependent leaks have been observed, but in extremely limited number. Pressure- dependent or temperature-dependent leaks denote a condition where no leakage exists until threshold pressure or temperature is reached. At this point, the leakage appears suddenly and may be detectable. When the pressure or temperature is reversed, the leakage follows the prescribed course to the critical point at which leakage drops to zero. Temperature and pressure are not normally applied in the course of leak testing for the purpose of locating such leaks. Instead, they are used to force existing discontinuities to open, so as to start or increase the leakage rate to point of detection. An example of this effect is the reversible leakages at seals below the service temperature and/or service pressure. AE waves emitted by a leak will…

  • ISO 20683-2:2016 pdf free download.Aircraft ground equipment Design, testing and maintenance requirements for nose gear towbarless towing vehicle (TLTV) Part 2:Regional aircraft Matériels au sol pour aéroiiefs — Exqences de conception, essais et entretien pour tructeur SUflS barre (le train avant (TLTV — Par tie 2: Aeronefs régionaux. 4.2.2 Depending on the range of aircraft types the TLTV is compatible with, preset toving load values may be used for a number of aii’craft types or sub-types in a given MR’VV range. In this case, each TLTV setting shall comply with the maximum limits specified by the manufacturer(s) of the designated aircraft types, sub-types, or family(s) thereof as defined by the aircraft manufacturers, and each TLTV setting shall he subjected to a separate verification. 4.3 Pick-LIp and holding system 4.3.1 The TLTV’s nose landing gear pick-up/release device should operate in a smooth and continuous mannci Abrupt or oscillating loads during the pick-up/release sequence should not occur. it should be designed to minimize the loads during the pick—up/release sequence. The drag loads induced (luring pick-up/release should fail well below the ‘1eak” loads experienced during a typical operation. 4.3.2 The maximum loads induced by pick-up and release sequences shall he nieasured either on…

  • ISO 22477-10:2016 pdf free download. Reconnaissance et essaisgéotechniques — Essais de structures géotechniques — Partie 10: Essal des pleux: essal de charge rapide. Before and after each load cycle, the level of the pile head shall be determined relative to a point outside of the minimum reference separation distance by optical levelling. The optical levelling measurements shall be controlled by reference to one or more fixed reference points and should be undertaken to an accuracy of ±1 mm. The base of a test displacement measuring system (where this is placed on the ground surface) should not be placed closer than the minimum reference separation distance from the pile. This shall be verified at the test site. If the minimum reference separation distance for a test displacement measuring system cannot be reached or vibration-free measurement cannot be undertaken, the test displacement measuring system should be placed on or fixed to a vibration-free surface such as an adjacent pile. The minimum reference separation distance shall be measured from — the pile, when the test is undertaken with a launched mass, or — supporting component of the equipment which is nearest the pile, when the test is undertaken with a failing mass. The…

  • AS 2883-2000 pdf download.Analysis Of Metals – Procedures For The Setting Up, Calibration And Standardization Of Atomic Emission Spectrometers Using Arc/Spark Discharge. AS 2883 specifies practices for the setting up. calibration and standardization of equipment for the atomic emission spectrornetric analysis of metals using arc/spark discharge. This Standard details test procedures used to ensure optimum response from this equipment. NOTE: A glossary of terms used in this Standard is included for reference in Appendix A. 5.3 STANDARDIZATION 5.3.1 Principle Standardization is also known as ‘normalization’, drift correction’. or ‘recalibration’. The measured intensities obtained from spectrometer channels for a specific set of conditions vary with time. To compensate for this variation and to ensure that the intensities being referred to the stored calibration are valid for that calibration, it is necessary to adjust the currently measured intensities for each channel. The standardization is performed by referring intensities obtained currently on normalization standards to intensities obtained on the same standards at the time of initial calibration (Clause 5.2). The frequency of standardization, which will depend on the stability of the instrument and the required precision of the determination, should he determined by each individual laboratory. The need for standardization can be determined…