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  • ISO 6721-11-2012 pdf free.Plastics – Determination of dynamic mechanical properties – Part 11: Glass transition temperature. This part of ISO 6721 specifies methods for determining a value of the glass transition temperature (T9) from the dynamic mechanical properties measured during a linear temperature scan under heating conditions. The glass transition temperature is an indicator of the transition from a glassy state to a rubbery state. Usually referred to as dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), the methods and their associated procedures can be applied to unreinforced and filled polymers, foams, rubbers, adhesives and fibre-reinforced plastics/composites. Different modes (e.g. flexure, compression, tension) of dynamic mechanical analysis can be applied, as appropriate, to the form of the source material. NOTE For tests undertaken in the flexure or torsion mode, an additional procedure is included to identify the severity of the influences of thermal lag on the measured data (see Annex B). 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 6721-1:2011, Plastics — Determination of dynamic mechanical properties — Part 1: General principles 3 Terms…

  • EN ISO 3451-5:2002 pdf free.Plastics – Determination of ash- Part 5: Poly(vinyI chloride). 5 Apparatus Apparatus as specified in ISO 3451-1. and in particular 5.1 Crucible of silica, platinum or porcelain with lid, diameter of upper part 45 mm to 75 mm, height equal to the diameter. The size shall be such that the crucible is not more than hah.filled by the test portion. 5.2 Bunsen burner, with silica triangle and tripod, or other suilable heating device. 5.3 Muffle furnace or microwave furnace, capable of being controlled thermostatically at 950 °C + 50°C. 5.4 Pipettes, of appropriate capacity ( methods B and C only). WARNING — In 7.3.4 and 7.4.3, it is required to use a pipette for the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid. The acid must be introduced into the pipette using a suitable device (e.g. a rubber-bulb pipette filler) and must never be sucked up by mouth. 5.5 Desiccator, containing an effective drying agent that does not react chemically with the ash components NOT[ In son’e cases. t-,e affinity of ash r water can be greater than that of dry ng agents comironly used. 5.6 Analytical balance, aaurate to 0.1 mg 5.7 Weighing bottics 6 Safety precautions 6.1…

  • BS EN ISO 8974:2002 pdf free.Plastics – Phenolic resins – Determination of residual phenol content by gas chromatography. BS EN ISO 8974 specifies two methods, using gas chromatography, of measuring the residual phenol content of phenolic resins. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1042:1998, Laboratory glassware — One-mark volumetric flasks ISO 6353-2:1983, Reagents for chemical analysis — Part 2: SpecifIcations — First series ISO 10082:1999, Plastics — Phenolic resins — Classification and test methods 3 Principle A test portion is dissolved in a suitable solvent and the phenol content determined by gas chromatography. 4 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions contained in ISO 10082 and the following terms…

  • ISO 11443-2014 pdf free.Plastics – Determination of the fluidity of plastics using capillary and slit-die rheometers. ISO 11443 specifies methods for determining the fluidity of plastics melts subjected to shear stresses at rates and temperatures approximating to those arising in plastics processing. Testing plastics melts in accordance with these methods is necessary since the fluidity of plastics melts is generally not dependent solely on temperature, but also on other parameters, in particular shear rate and shear stress. The methods described in this International Standard are useful for determining melt viscosities from 10 Pa’s to 1O Pas, depending on the measurement range of the pressure and/or force transducer and the mechanical and physical characteristics of the rheorncter. The shear rates occurring in extrusion rheometers range from 1 s-1 to 106 51 Elongational effects at the die entrance cause extrudate swelling at the die exit. Methods for assessing extrudate swelling have also been included. The rheological techniques described are not limited to the characterization of wall-adhering thermoplastics melts only; for example, thermoplastics exhibiting “slip’ effectsllllZl and thermosetting plastics can be included. However, the methods used for determining the shear rate and shear viscosity are invalid for materials which are not wall-adhering. Nevertheless,…

  • ISO 1043-3-2016 pdf free download.Plastics一Symbols and abbreviated terms – Part 3: Plasticizers. 4 Use of the symbols and abbreviated terms 4.1 The first appearance of an abbreviated term in a text shall be enclosed in parentheses and shall be preceded by the chemical name written in full. 4.2 Only capital letters shall be used for the symbols. 4.3 The list comprises the abbreviated term, the commonly used name or names and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) equivalent and the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS-RN) where these are available. In cases where IUPAC nomenclature or the CAS-RN is not available due to uncertainty or ambiguity, this is indicated in the text. The commonly used chemical name or the IUPAC name given in this part of ISO 1043 shall be referred to when defining each abbreviated term. It should be recognized that, in use in the rubber and plastics industries, many plasticizers are commercial or ‘technical’ grades and not necessarily pure forms of substances. 4.4 A list of symbols for individual components of abbreviated terms is given in Annex A. 4.5 Mixtures of plasticizers are not considered in this part of ISO 1043. 4.6 Unless otherwise indicated,…

  • BS EN ISO 179-1:2010 pdf free download.Plastics – Determination of Charpy impact properties Part 1: Non-instrumented impact test (ISO 179-1:2010). 1.1 This part of ISO 179 specifies a method for determining the Charpy impact strength of plastics under defined conditions. A number of different types of specimen and test configurations are defined. Different test parameters are specified according to the type of material, the type of test specimen and the type of notch. 1.2 The method can be used to investigate the behaviour of specified types of specimen under the impact conditions defined and for estimating the brittleness or toughness of specimens within the limitations inherent in the test conditions. It can also be used for the determination of comparative data from similar types of material. 1.3 The method has a greater range of applicability than that given in ISO 18Oh] and is more suitable for the testing of materials showing interlaminar shear fracture or of materials exhibiting surface effects due to environmental factors. 1.4 The method is suitable for use with the following range of materials: — rigid thermoplastic moulding and extrusion materials (including filled and reinforced compounds in addition to unfilled types) and rigid thernioplastics sheets: rigid thermosetting…

  • ISO 5659-2-2012 pdf free download.Plastics – Smoke generation – Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single-cham ber test. 1.1 This part of ISO 5659 specifies a method of measuring smoke production from the exposed surface of specimens of materials, composites or assemblies. It is applicable to specimens that have an essentially flat surface and do not exceed 25 mm in thickness when placed in a horizontal orientation and subjected to specified levels of thermal irradiance in a closed cabinet with or without the application of a pilot flame. This method of test is applicable to all plastics and may also be used for the evaluation of other materials (e.g. rubbers, textile-coverings, painted surfaces, wood and other materials). 1.2 It is intended that the values of optical density determined by this test be taken as specific to the specimen or assembly material in the form and thickness tested, and are not to be considered inherent, fundamental properties. 1.3 The test is intended primarily for use in research and development and fire safety engineering in buildings, trains, ships, etc. and not as a basis for ratings for building codes or other purposes. No basis is provided for predicting the density…

  • ISO 15850-2014 pdf free.Plastics – Determination of tension- tension fatigue crack propagation – Linear elastic fracture mecl hanics (LEFM) approach. A constant-amplitude cyclic tensile load is imposed on a specimen under suitable test conditions (specimen shape and size, notching, maximum and minimum loads, load cycle frequency, etc.), causing a crack to start from the notch and propagate. The crack length a is monitored during the test and recorded as a function of the number N of load cycles completed. Numerical differentiation of the experimental function a(N) provides the fatigue crack growth rate da/dN which is reported as a function of stress intensity factor and energy release rate at the crack tip. For the case where total number of cycles to failure or time to failure is to be determined, the crack length need not be monitored. 5 Significance and use Fatigue crack propagation, particularly when expressed as the fatigue crack growth rate da/dN as a function of crack-tip stress intensity factor range K or energy release rate range G, characterizes a material’s resistance to stable crack extension under cyclic loading. Background information on the fatigue behaviour of plastics and on the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue for these materials is…

  • ISO 11443-2021 pdf free download.Plastics一Determination of the fluidity of plastics using capillary and slit-die rheometers. This document specifies methods for determining the fluidity of plastics melts subjected to shear stresses at rates and temperatures approximating to those arising in plastics processing. Testing plastics melts in accordance with these methods is of great importance since the fluidity of plastics melts is generally not dependent solely on temperature, but also on other parameters; in particular shear rate and shear stress. The methods described in this document are useful for determining melt viscosities from 10 Pas to iO PaSs, depending on the measurement range of the pressure and/or force transducer and the mechanical and physical characteristics of the rheometer. The shear rates occurring in extrusion rheometers range from 1 s1 to 106 I. Elongational effects at the die entrance cause extrudate swelling at the die exit. Methods for assessing extrudate swelling have also been included. The rheological techniques described are not limited to the characterization of wall-adhering thermoplastics melts only; for example, thermoplastics exhibiting slip” effectsl1Jl2i and thermosetting plastics can be included. However, the methods used for determining the shear rate and shear viscosity are invalid for materials which are not wall-adhering. Nevertheless,…

  • ISO 4577-2019 pdf free.Plastics – Polypropylene and propylene-copolymers – Determination of thermal oxidative stability in air一Oven method. This document specitics a method for the determination of the resistance of mouldcd test specimens of polypropylene and propylene-copolymers to accelerated ageing by heat in the presence of air using a forced draught oven. The method represents an attempt to estimate the service life of parts fabricated from propylene plastics. The stability determined by this method is not directly related to the suitability ot the material for use when difkrent environmental conditions prevail. NOTh The specified thermal levels arc considered sufficiently severe to cause failure of commercial grades of heat-stable propylene plastics within a reasonable period of time. If desired. lower temperatures can be applied to estimate the performance of propylene plastics with lower heat stabilities. 2 Normative references The following documents arc rcterrcd to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 291, Plastics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing ISO 19069-2, Plastics — Polypropylene (P19 moulding…