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  • BS ISO 13006:2018 pdf free.Ceramic tiles – Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking. 6 Sampling and basis for acceptance The sampling and basis for acceptance shall be in accordance with that presented in ISO 10545-1. 7 Requirements Dimensional and surface quality requirements and physical and chemical properties shall be as given in the relevant/specific annex, of Annexes A to Hand Annexes jto M. for each tile class. NOTE Annexes I. Q and Q are intentionally left blank. This is as a convenience to producers in order to avoid changes to packaging and related costs. In addition, at the time of publication, the market o[Fers consumers various products identified by the maLching annex headings of this document. 8 Marking and specifications 8.1 Marking Tiles and/or their packaging are required to bear the following marking: a) manufacturer’s mark and/or trademark and the country where the tile was manufactured (i.e. country of origin, as determined by the relevant international regulation); b) indication of first quality; c) type of tile and reference to the appropriate group and/or annex of Annexes A to Hand Annexes Ito M covering the specific group of tile; d) nominal and work sizes, and “M” if modular; e) nature of the…

  • BS ISO 18079-2:2018 pdf free.Ships and marine technology一Servicing of inflatable life-saving appliances Part 2: Inflatable life rafts. Following the visual inspections in 42, the life raft shall be subject to the following tests at frequencies as described in Annex A. The tests shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s servicing manual. 4.3.2 Gas inflation (GI) test Gas inflation (Gl) test shall be carried out at five-year intervals, and when undertaking a Gl test, special attention shall be paid to the effectiveness of the relief valves. The folded life raft shall be removed from its container before activating the fitted gas inflation system. After gas inflation has been initiated, sufficient time shall be allowed to enable the pressure in the buoyancy tubes to become stabilized and any formation of solid particles of the inflation gas to evaporate. After this period, the buoyancy tubes shall, if necessary, be topped up with air, and the life raft subjected to a pressure holding test over a period of not less than one hour, during which the pressure drop will not exceed 5 % of the working pressure. Life rafts associated with a marine evacuation system having been deployed and successfully inflated in conjunction…

  • BS ISO 19662:2018 pdf free.Milk – Determination of fat content-Acido-butyrometric (Gerber method). The amyl alcohol shall be composed of at least 98 % in volume of primary alcohols 3-methylbutan- 1-ol (boiling point 131,4 °C) and 2-methylbutan-1-ol (boiling point 128,0 °C), the only permissible impurities being 2-methylpropane-1-ol’) and butan-1-ol. The ratio of the two isomers shall be 91 % ± 2% of 3-methylbutan-1-ol to 9% ± 2% of 2-methylbutan-1-ol in the volume of primary alcohols as defined above. It shall be exempt from all compounds which may have an influence on the result given by the acidobutyrometric method, such as secondary amyl alcohols, 2-methylbutan-2-o12), furfural, petroleum and benzene derivatives. Only traces of water can be tolerated. 5.2.2 Physical appearance Clear and colourless. 5.2.3 Density p20= 0,813 g/ml ± 0,005 g/ml at 20°C. 5.2.4 Furfural and other organic impurities The absence of impurities is revealed if the colour of a volume to volume mixture of amyl alcohol and sulphuric acid remains yellow or light brown. 5.2.5 Distillation range When distilled at a pressure of 1 013 mbar (760 mm of Hg), a volume fraction of not less than 98% shall distil below 132°C and a volume fraction of not more than 5%…

  • BS ISO 16332:2018 pdf free.Diesel engines – Fuel filters – Method for evaluating fuel/water separation efficiency. As commercially available. For biodiesel and biodiesel containing fuels the direct Karl Fischer method Is recommended. Humidity is probably the largest source of error during the titration process. Special precautions shall be taken during setup and testing. The amount of water per sample should be S0 tg to reach a good relation between titration time and accuracy. Centrifuge For higher water concentration as specified in 6.4.1. 20 000 ppm water concentration, a centrifuge according to can be used. The measurement accuracy according to Table 1 shall be confirmed. 5.2.4 Equipment for determination of IFT The equipment for determination of the interfacial tension shall be according to ISO 9101. 5.3 Test stand 5.3.1 General The test stand, shown diagrammatically In Figure 2. shall comprise a fuel/water separator test circuit as described in LiZ. All parts in contact with fuel, should be made of stainless steel. 5.3.2 Fuel/water separator test circuit Fuel sump (1) The container with a conical bottom should be made of stainless steel. The fuel outlet shall be located at the lowest point of bottom. The container shall be able to…

  • BS ISO 7612:2018 pdf free.Diesel engines – Base-mounted in-line fuel injection pumps and high-pressure supply pumps for common rail fuel injection systems一Mounting dimensions. This document specifies dimensional requirements for base-mounted in-line fuel injection pumps and high-pressure supply pumps for common rail fuel injection systems for diesel (compressionignition) engines. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 6519. Diesel engines — Fuel injection pumps — Tapers for shaft ends and hubs 3 Terms and definitions No terms and definitions are listed in this document. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:/ — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electrooedia.ora/ 4 Dimensions and tolerances Dimensions and tolerances are given in Figures ito 7 and Tables Ito 4. Dimensions and tolerances not given in this document are left to the manufacturer’s choice.BS ISO 7612 pdf download.

  • BS EN ISO 8385:2018 pdf free.Ships and marine technology – Dredgers – Classification. This document provides a single classification for all types of dredgers designed for loosening, raising, transporting and disposing of dredged material. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 8384. Ships and marine technology — Dredgers — Vocabulary 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8384 apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgJ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at 4 Classification Dredgers are classified on the basis of the criteria: engineering condition, dredger parameters and operating method as specified in Tables 1. Z and.BS EN ISO 8385 pdf download.

  • BS ISO 20475:2018 pdf free.Gas cylinders – Cylinder bundles – Periodic inspection and testing. Depending upon the nature of the operation, an existing bundle may. upon dismantling, be reassembled using the same frame, cylinders and components. Alternatively, frames, cylinders and components may be interchanged for ease of operation during the periodic inspection and testing, provided these parts are in compliance with the type approval of the bundle. If a replacement of any part o[the bundle takes place at any stage during the periodic inspection and testing. the new parts shall be compatible with the original design type specification and the tare of the bundle shall be adjusted if necessary. 5.2 Identification of cylinders/bundles and preparation for inspections and tests Upon receipt of the bundle for inspection, the gas content within the bundle shall be identified. Before any work is carried out, the relevant cylinder data and ownership shall be identified and the bundle type approval made available to the inspection body, if necessary. 5.3 Depressurization of manifold and individual cylinders WARNING — Safety measures shall be taken to protect personnel carrying out the periodic inspection and testing of bundles due to the considerable damage that could be caused from the…

  • BS ISO 20463:2018 pdf free.Rubber and rubber products一Determination of combustion energy and carbon dioxide emission from biobased and non-biobased materials. Note I to entry: The biobased carbon dioxide emission is expressed in g/g, or emitted carbon dioxide amount (g) per sample mass (g). gross calorific value absolute value of the specific energy of combustion, for unit mass of rubber or rubber-product sample burned in oxygen in a calorimetric bomb under specified conditions. Note 1 to entry: The products of combustion are assumed to consist of gaseous oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, of liquid water (in equilibrium with its vapour) saturated with carbon dioxide under the conditions of the bomb reaction, and of solid ash, all at the reference temperature. Note 2 to entry: The gross caloriflc value is expressed in 11g. net calorific value absolute value of the specific energy of combustion, for unit mass of rubber or rubber-product sample burned in oxygen in a calorimetric bomb under such conditions that all the water of the reaction products remains as water vapour, the other products being as for the gross calorific value (j), all at the reference temperature. Note I to entry: The net calorific value is expressed…

  • BS ISO 19882:2018 pdf free.Gaseous hydrogen—Thermally activated pressure relief devices for compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel containers. Materials normally in contact with hydrogen shall be determined to be acceptable in hydrogen service, with the consideration of hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen accelerated fatigue. The performance tests cannot guarantee that all cases and conditions of the hydrogen service are validated, so it is still incumbent on the designer/builder to carefully screen materials of construction for their intended use. The materials and design shall be such that there is no significant change in the functioning of the device, deformation or mechanical change in the device, and no harmful corrosion, deformation or deterioration of the materials when subject to the service conditions given in Clause 4. NOTE 1 Material performance data and/or acceptance criteria in hydrogen environments can be found in the ISO 11114 series, the Sandia National Laboratory Technical Reference for Hydrogen Compatibility of Materials, ANSI/AIAA G-095, ANSI/CSA CHMC 1, ASME B3L12, SAE J2579:2013, Appendix B or in equivalent national requirements. NOTE 2 Some fusible alloys can contain heavy metals that can be considered environmentally unacceptable by some customers and which can be prohibited by some jurisdictions. Non-metallic materials normally in contact with hydrogen…

  • BS ISO 8178-6:2018 pdf free.Reciprocating internal combustion engines – Exhaust emission measurement. Table A.1 includes the information essential for engine approval, such as engine identification, engine application, test cycle and test identification. The emission test results may be listed for different test cycles, if applicable. The gaseous and particulate emissions shall be expressed in grams per kilowatt hour whenever possible. Other units shall be indicated if used according to the provisions laid down in the Scope of this document. The smoke test results shall be listed for the smoke cycle applicable to the indicated application. The smoke values shall be expressed per metre whenever possible. 5.3 Engine information Table A.2 contains the basic features of the engine under test. If more information is requested by other parties, this can be provided. Table A.3 contains other information on the engine under test pertinent to the identification of the engine family or group. These features are derived from ISO 8178-7 for engine family and ISO 8178-8 for engine group. If the engine family or group concept does not apply for the engine under test, Table A.3 does not need to be submitted. 5.4 Ambient and engine test data For steady-state discrete mode…