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  • ISO/TR 44000-2019 pdf free.Principles for successful collaborative business relationship management. This document introduces twelve collaborative relationship management principles. ISO 44001 and related ISO collaborative management standards are based on the understanding and acknowledgement of these principles. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 44001, Collaborative business relationship management systems — Requirements and framework 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 44001 apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the lollowing addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at — IEC Electropedia: available at 4 Relationship management Statement: A formalized process to manage and sustain collaborative relationships underpins their success. Rationale: To be sustainable over time, a collaborative relationship needs to be based on systems and processes, whether internal or jointly developed, together with a continued focus on monitoring and developing competence and behaviours. Key benefits: Collaborative relationships that are…

  • ISO 22322-2015 pdf free.Societal security一Emergency management一Guidelines for public warning. ISO 22322 provides guidelines for developing, managing, and implementing public warning before, during, and after incidents. This International Standard is applicable to any organization responsible for public warning. It is applicable at all levels, from local up to international. Before planning and implementing the public warning system, risks and consequences of potential hazards are assessed. This process is not part of this International Standard. 2 Normative references ISO 22300, Societal security — Terminology 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 22300 and the following apply. 3.1 alert part of public warning (31) that captures attention of first responders and people at risk (3J) in a developing emergency situation 3.2 all clear message or signal that the danger is over 3.3 hazard monitoring [unction activities to obtain evidence-based information on hazards in a defined area used to make decisions about the need for public warning (31) 3.4 warning dissemination function activities to issue appropriate messages for people at risk (3) based on evidence-based information received from the hazard monitoring function (3,3) 3.5 notification part of public warning (31) that provides essential information…

  • ISO/IEC 20933-2016 pdf free.Information technology – Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS)一Access Systems. ISO/IEC 20933 specifies: 1) an ID triggered modular access system, the functions of the modules and the messages they exchange, and the sequence of messages, i.e. transitions of the transaction; 2) the system responsibility from receiving an access request until sending the result. i.e. a complete transaction: 3) the responsibilities of the modules, including time stamping and responding to the requests they received; and 4) the sequence and semantics of the messages and their elements. 2 Conformance Conformant Access Systems progress transactions by evaluating the applicable rules. Conformant modules implement the requests on their interfaces, the corresponding responses and time stamping as specified herein. 3 Normative references None. 4 Terms, definitions and acronyms For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and acronyms apply. 4.1 ID Identifier 4.2 RED Rule Evaluation and Dispatching 4.3 transaction request for access 5 Model Figure 1 illustrates the Access System structure. The Access System has 5 modules “Access-point, Policy, Processing, RED and Storage” and 4 interfaces “Access-interface, Policy-interface, Processing-interface and Storage-interface”. The Access System progresses a transaction by exchanging messages between modules and decides the final result (grant or…

  • ISO 21150-2015 pdf free.Cosmetics – Microbiology 一 Detection of Escherichia coli. ISO 21150 gives general guidelines for the detection and identification of the specified microorganism Escherichia coil in cosmetic products. Microorganisms considered as specified in this International Standard might differ from country to country according to national practices or regulations. In order to ensure product quality and safety for consumers, it is advisable to perform an appropriate microbiological risk analysis, so as to determine the types of cosmetic products to which this International Standard is applicable. Products considered to present a low microbiological (see ISO 29621) risk include those with low water activity. hydro-alcoholic products, extreme pH values, etc. The method described in this International Standard is based on the detection of Escherichia coil in a non-selective liquid medium (enrichment broth), followed by isolation on a selective agar medium. Other methods may be appropriate, depending on the level of detection required. NOTE For the detection of Escherichia coil, subcultures can be performed on non-selective culture media followed by suitable identification steps (e.g. using identification kits). Because of the large variety of cosmetic products within this field of application. this method might not be suited to some products in every detail…

  • ISO 21007-2-2015 pdf free.Gas cylinders一Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology一 Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification. This part of ISo 21007 establishes a common flexible framework for data structure to enable the U nambiguous identification in gas cylinder (GC) applications and for other common data elenwnts in this sector. Tb is part of ISO 2 1007 enables a Structure to allow some harmonization between different systems, I lowever. it does not prescribe any one system and has been writ ten in a non-mandatory style so as not to make it obsolete as technology changes. The main body of this part of ISO 21007 excludes any data elements that form any part oitransmission or storage protocols such as headers and checksums. For tieta i Is on cylinder/tag operations, see Annex A. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced ill this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 3166-1. cocks Jór the represent at ion 0/flumes of count ries mid their subdivisions — Part 1: Lountry codes ISO…

  • ISO 20685-2-2015 pdf free.Ergonomics一3-D scanning methodologies for internationally compatible anthropometric data bases一 Part 2: Eva luation protocol of surface shape and repeatability of relative landmark positions. This part of ISO 20685 addresses protocols for testing of 3-D surface-scanning systems in the acquisition of human hotly shape data and measurements. It does not apply to instruments that measure the illotion of individual landmarks. While mainly concerned with whole-body scanners, it is also applicable to body-segnwnt scanners (head scanners, hand scanners, toot scanners). This International Standard applies to body scanners that measure the human body in a single view. When a hand-held scanner is evaluated, it has to be noted that the human operator can contribute to the overall error. When systems are evaluated in which the subject is rotated, movement artelacts can he introduced; these can also contribute to the overall error. ‘rhis part of ISO 20685 applies to the landmark positions determined by an anthropometrist. It does not apply to landmark positions automatically calculated by software from the point cloud. The quality ol’ surface shape of the human body and landmark positions is influenced by performance of scanner systems and humans including measu rers and subjects. This part of ISO…

  • ISO 19109-2015 pdf free.Geographic information一Rules for application schema. ISO 19109 defines rules for creating and documenting application schcrnis, including principles for the definition of features. The scope of this International Standard includes the following: — concept LW I modelling of leatures and their properties from a universe of discourse; — definition of application scheinas; use of the conceptual schenia language (or application schernas; — transition trom the concepts in the conceptual model to the data types in the application schema; — integration of standardized schenias from other ISO geographic information standards with the application schema. The following are outside the scope: — choice oloiw particular conceptual schema language tor application schernas; — definition of any particular application schema; — representation of feature types irid their properties iii a feature catalogue; — representation of metadata; — rules br mapping one application schema to another; — implementation of the application schema in a computer environment; — computer system and application software design; — pi-ogra mining. 2 Conformance 2.1 General This International Standard defines 12 conformance classes shown iii Tahh’c I to 12, matching the 12 requirenwnts classes described in Clnof’% 7 and B. Any application schema claiming conformance to any requirements class…

  • ISO 18875-2015 pdf free.Coalbed methane exploration and development – Terms and definitions. ISO 18875 provides term i tiology on geology and exploration, engineering construction. field development and production in coalbed methane industry. This International Standard does not coittain SLI riace gaL hering. 2 Terms relating to geology and exploration 2.1 coalbed methane CBM thanerich gas naturally occurring I1 coal seams (and surrounding rock) typically comprising of 110 % to 95 % methane with lower proportions of ethatic, propane, flit rogen •ifl(I carbon (IloXide Note I to entry: In common international use, this term refers to methane recovered from un—mined coal seams using surface boreholes. 2.2 adsorption cnriclinwnt of the absorptive gas at the external and accessible internal surfaces of a solid material (coal matrix) ISOLJRCF: ISO 15901-2:2006. 3.21 2.3 desorpt ion Opposite olacIsorptioii (22), in which adsorbed gases leave the surface ofa solid material (coal matrix) Note 1 to entry: The liberation can he spontaneous but can be accelerated by physical actions. lS011RCI: ISO 3529-1:19111. 1.13.21 2.4 gas content volume of gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in cubic meter of gas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (SIP) conditions Note 1 to entry: Unit…

  • SA TS ISO 16976.5:2015 pdf free.Respiratory protective devices- Human factors Part 5: Thermal effects. This part of ISO 16976 is one of a series of Technical Specifications that provide information on factors related to human anthropometry, physiology, ergonomics and performance for the preparation of standards for design, testing and use of respiratory protective devices. It contains information related to thermal effects of respiratory protective devices on the human body, in particular: — temperatures of surfaces associated with discomfort sensation and harmful effects on human tissues; — thermal effects of breathing gas temperatures on lung airways and tissues; — effects of breathing gas temperature and humidity on respiratory heat exchange; — effects of respiratory protective devices on overall body heat exchange. The information represents data for adult healthy men and women in the age 20-60 years. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 7730, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria…

  • PD ISO/TR 18230:2015 pdf free.Iron ores一Determination of loss on ignition一Nonoxidised ores. This Technical Report describes a gravimetric method for the determination of the loss in mass of non- oxidized iron ores, when ignited at 1 000 °C. This method is applicable to a concentration range of a mass fraction of—3,0 % to 7,0% loss on ignition in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, and sinters. The method is not applicable to the following: a) processed ores containing metallic iron (direct reduced iron); b) natural or processed ores in which the sulfur content is higher than a mass fraction of 0,2 %; c) internationally traded ores with combined water greater than 2,5 %. NOTE I Loss on ignition can be used as an estimate ol combined water. NOTE 2 This method is intended for in-house use and is not intended for referee purposes. 2 Principle A test portion is heated in a muffle furnace at 1 000 °C for 60 mm and cooled in a desiccator. The decreased mass of the test portion is then measured. 3 Reagents During the analysis, use only reagents of recognized analytical grade. 3.1 Silica gel, dried at 105 °C for 4 h. 4…