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  • AS 1397:2021 pdf free.Continuous hot-dip metallic coated steel sheet and strip一Coatings of zinc and zinc alloyed with aluminium and magnesium. AS 1397 specifies requirements for continuously hot-dip metallic coated sheet steel and strip supplied in thicknesses up to and including 5.0 mm. Requirements for product conformity to this Standard are given in Appndi&B. Requirements covered in this Standard are as follows: (a) Formability grades of steel. (b) Structural grades of steel. (c) Classes of zinc coating, including differential coatings. (d) Classes of zinc coating converted to zinc/iron alloy. (e) Classes of zinc/aluminium coatings. (f) Classes of zinc/aluminium/magnesium alloy coating. (g) Classes of aluminium/zinc alloy coating. (h) Classes of aluminium/zinc/magnesium alloy coating. (i) Surface finish. NOTE 1 Advice and recommendations on information to be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry or order are contained In AppendixA. NOTE 2 The specified requirements apply to the full length and full width of the product supplied, unless otherwise indicated. NOTE 3 Within the description of the classes of coatings, the majority element present is listed first, followed by the next major element and followed by a third element if applicable. 1.2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the…

  • AS 1289.4.3.1:2021 pdf free download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Method 4.3.1: Soil chemical tests – Determination of the pH value of a soil – Electrometric method. AS 1289.4.3.1 covers the electrometric determination of the pH value of a soil-suspension. NOTE The pH value a sample groundwater can be measured in a similar manner to that used for a soil-suspension. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. NOTE Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography. AS 1289.1.1, Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 1.1: Preparation of disturbed soil samples for testing ISO 3310-2, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal plate 3 Terms and definitions No terms and definitions are listed in this document. 4 Apparatus The following apparatus are required: (a) pH meter, covering at least the range pH 3.0 to pH 13.0, fitted with a scale that is readable and accurate to 0.05 pH units. NOTE 1 Soils with high p11 values, such as stabilized soils and naturally occurring soils with a pH…

  • AS ISO 8925:2021 pdf free.Earth-moving machinery – Diagnostic ports. AS ISO 8925 defines the sizes, types and accessibility of diagnostic ports for use in measuring fluid temperature, pressure and flow, and to obtain fluid samples. It also sets out the requirements for accessibility to the port. It applies to earth-moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165, and gives general guidelines for diagnostic port use. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 2860:1983, Earth-moving machinery — Minimum access dimensions. ISO 4510-1:1987, Earth-moving machinery — Service tools — Part 1 Common maintenance and adjustment tools. ISO 6149:1980, Fluid power systems and components — Metric ports — Dimensions and design. ISO 6165:1987, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Vocabulary. 3 Sizeandtypeofport 3.1 Temperature, pressure and sampling ports The port size for measuring temperature and pressure,…

  • AS ISO 8812:2021 pdf download.Earth-moving machinery – Backhoe loaders – Terminology and commercial specifications. AS ISO 8812 establishes terminology and the content of commercial literature specifications for self-propelled crawler or wheeled backhoe loaders, as defined in ISO 6165, and their equipment. This International Standard is not applicable to loaders equipped with a backhoe attachment in accordance with ISO 7131:2009, 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 6165, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Identification and terms and definitions ISO 6746-1:2003, Earth-moving machinery — Definitions of dimensions and codes — Part 1: Base machine ISO 6746-2, Earth-moving machinery — Definitions of dimensions and codes — Part 2: Equipment and attachments ISO 7 131:2009, Earth-moving machinery — Loaders — Terminology and commercial specifications 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6165, ISO 6746-1, ISO 6746-2 and the following apply. 3.1 backhoe loader self-propelled crawler or wheeled machine having a main frame designed…

  • AS 4276.1:2021 pdf download.Water microbiology Method 1: Water quality一General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations by culture (ISO 8199:2018, MOD). This document specifies requirements and gives guidance for performing the manipulations common to each culture technique for the microbiological examination of water, particularly the preparation of samples, culture n’,edia, and general apparatus and glassware, unless otherwise required in the specific standard. It also describes the various techniques available for detection and enumeration by culture and the criteria for determining which technique is appropriate. This document is mainly intended for examinations for bacteria, yeasts and moulds, but some aspects are also applicable to bacteriophages, viruses and parasites. It excludes techniques not based on culturing microorganisms, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCRJ methods. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 7704, Water quality — Evaluation of membrane filters used for microbiological analyses ISO 11133, Microbiology of food, animal feed and water — Preparation, production, storage and performance testing…

  • AS 4485.2:2021 pdf free.Security for healthcare facilities Part 2: Procedures guide. AS 4485.2 provides guidance and explanatory material to assist with the implementation of the requirements of AS 4485.1. 1.2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. NOTE Documents for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography. 1.3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions given in AS 4485.1 and the following definitions apply. 1.3.1 attractive asset item which is vital to the operations of the facility, has a high monetary value or is o a particularly attractive nature (e.g. jewellery or drug holdings) 1.3.2 burglar resistant areas areas which are secured in a manner suitable for the handling of money, drugs and other attractive assets to a level which will resist entry by an experienced criminal deliberately trying to force entry with suitable equipment 1.3.3 chief executive officer CEO position at that level of responsibility and authority immediately below the facility’s governing body or authority, or proprietor 1.3.4 intruder resistant areas areas which are secured in a manner suitable for the handling and storage of property of value to the facility and hazardous materials, to a level that will resist…

  • AS 5236.1:2021 pdf free download.Cranes – Limiting and indicating devices Part 1: General (ISO 10245-1 :2008, MOD). This part of ISO 10245 specifies general requirements for limiting and indicating devices for cranes that are applicable to loads and motions, performance and environment. These devices restrict operation and/or provide the operator or other persons with operational information. The specific requirements for the various types of crane are given in the other parts of ISO 10245. It is emphasized that the safe and reliable operation of limiters and indicators depends upon regular inspection and maintenance. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 4306-1, Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 4306-1 and the following apply. 3.1 anti-collision device device used to prevent cranes or parts of cranes from colliding with a fixed load-lifting attachment when they are manoeuvred simultaneously in the same space Note 1 to entry: A working space limiter may perform the…

  • AS 61869.14:2021 pdf free download.Instrument transformers Part 14: Additional requirements for current transformers for DC applications (IEC 61869-14:2018 (ED 1.0) MOD). This part of IEC 61869 provides all requirements specific to current transformers to be used in DC applications (DCCTs), whatever the technology used. The output signal can be analogue or digital. It is applicable to newly manufactured current transformers used for measuring, protection and/or control applications in DC power systems with a rated voltage above 1,5 kV. The general configuration of a single-pole low-power instrument transformer is described in Figure 601 of IEC 61869-6:2016. The DCCTs intended for current measurement in the transistor branch of the VSC valve (referred to as CT4a and CT4b in Figure 1403 and Table 1402) are not covered by this document, and will be considered in a future revision. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Clause 2 of IEC 61869-6:2016 is applicable, with the following additions and modifications: IEC TS…

  • AS EN 14974:2021 pdf free download.Skateparks一Safety requirements and test methods. This document applies to skateparks for public use intended for the use of skateboards, other roller sports equipments and BMX bikes. It specifies safety requirements and requirements for testing and marking, information supplied by the manufacturer, information for users, as well as for inspection and maintenance to protect users and third parties (e.g. spectators) from hazards, as far as possible, when using a skatepark as intended, or as can be reasonably expected. This standard does not apply to bike facilities modelled from ground, gravel or rock. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 206, Concrete — Specification, performance, production and conformity EN 300:2006, Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) — Definitions, classification and specifications EN 312, Particleboards — Specifications EN 335:2013, Durability of wood and wood-based products — Use classes: definitions, application to solid wood and wood-based products EN 338:2016, Structural timber — Strength classes EN 35 1-1,…

  • ISO/TS 14048-2002 pdf download.Environmental management – Life cycle assessment- Data documentation format. This Technical Specification provides the requirements and a structure for a data documentation format, to be used for transparent and unambiguous documentation and exchange of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data, thus permitting consistent documentation of data, reporting of data collection, data calculation and data quality, by specifying and structuring relevant information. The data documentation format specifies requirements on division of data documentation into data fields, each with an explanatory description. The description of each data field is further specified by the structure of the data documentation format. This Technical Specification is applicable to the specification and structuring of questionnaire forms and information systems. However, it can also be applied to other aspects of the management of environmental data. This Technical Specification does not include requirements on completeness of data documentation. The data documentation format is independent of any software or database platform for implementation. This Technical Specification does not require any specific sequential, graphic or procedural solutions for the presentation or treatment of data, nor does it describe specific modelling methodologies for LCI and LCA data. 2 Normative references The following normative documents…