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  • ISO 4628-10:2016 pdf free download.Paints and varnishes Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance Part 10:Assessment of degree of filiform corrosion Peintures et vernis — Evaluation de Ia degradation des revêtements— Designation de la quantité et des dimensions des défauts, et de l’intensité des changements uniformes d’aspect — Partie 10: Evaluation du degré de corrosion filiforme. This part of Iso 4628 specifies a method for assessing the amount of filiform corrosion developed from a scribed mark by measuring the length of the longest filament L and the most frequent length M of filaments. Pictorial examples provided in Annex A of this part of ISO 4628 illustrate different ratings for the length of the longest filament L and the most frequent length M of the filaments. A comparison of the test panels with the 12 pictures in Annex A does not supersede the obligatory numerical assessment (method I or 2). ISO 4628-1 defines a system used for designating the quantity and size of defects and the intensity of uniform changes in appearance of coatings and outlines the general principles of the system. This system is intended to be…

  • ISO 4629-1:2016 pdf free download.Binders for paints and varnishes Determination of hydroxyl value Part 1:Titrimetric method without using a catalyst Liants pour peintures et vernis — Determination de l’indice d’hydroxyle — Partie 1: Méthode titrimétrique sans catalyseur. 8.3 Determination Add 5 ml of ethyl acetate (52) to the contents of the conical flask and shake, if necessary, with gentle warming, until the test portion (LZ) is dissolved. If the test portion is not soluble in ethyl acetate, another solvent may be used. Allow to cool to room temperature, add (5,00 ± 0,02) ml (see Note 1) of the acetylating reagent (5) by means of the microburette or pipette () and fit the reflux condenser (2) on the conical flask. Heat the flask in the heating apparatus (), maintained at (50 ± 1) °C, for 20 mm, shaking every 5 mm. Cool the contents of the flask to room temperature, remove the condenser, add 2 ml of water, replace the condenser and vigorously shake the flask. Add 10 ml of the pyridine/water mixture (&4) from the top of the condenser so as to rinse down the condenser tube. Mix the contents of the flask and allow to stand for 5 mm…

  • ISO 4641:2016 pdf free download.Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for water suction and discharge Specification Tuyuux et Jiexibles eu ccioutchouc pour aspiration et rejoulement cI’euu — Spécijicat ions. This ISO 4641 specifies the iimim requirements for textile-reinforced, smooth—bore rubber water— suction and discharge hoses and hose assemblies. Three types of hoses and hose assemblies are specified according to their operating duty requirements, i.e. their ambient and water temperature ranges: — ambient temperatures: —25 °C to +70 °C; — water temperatures during operation: 0 °C to +70 °C. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 37, Rubbe,; vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties ISO 188, Rubbe,; vulcanized or thermoplastic — Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests ISO 1307:2006, Rubber and plastics hoses — hose sizes, minimum and maximum inside diameters, and tolera iices on cii t- to-leiig th Ii uses ISO 1402, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — hydrostatic testuW ISO 2393,…

  • ISO 4665:2016 pdf free download.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic Resistance to weathering Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou therinoplastique — Résistance aux intempéries. 7.3.2 Instrumental assessment Measure the colour of the test piece before and after each exposure stage in general accordance with Iso 18314-1. If required, also measure the colour of a file test piece or a masked area. 7.3.3 Visual assessment Compare the contrast rating of the exposed test piece and an unexposed file test piece, and if required, a masked area, after each exposure stage, in accordance with the procedure given in ISO 105-A02. 8 Changes in other appearance properties Examine each test piece visually after each exposure stage for changes In appearance using, if appropriate, the procedure given in a relevant International Standard. Some examples of parameters used to assess change in appearance are listed in Annex B. Ozone cracking shall be assessed in accordance with ISO 143 1-1. NOTE Cracking or crazing in rubber test pieces exposed outdoors can result from light ageing as well as from ozone attack. A distinction is not always possible, particularly with light-coloured rubbers. Sunlight crazing is characterized by shallow cracks and usually occurs independently of strain, whereas a threshold strain has to be…

  • ISO 4759-3:2016 pdf free download.Tolerances for fasteners Part 3:Washers for bolts, screws and nuts Product grades A, C and F Tolerances pour fixations — Partie 3: Rondelles pour vis et écrous — Grades A, C et F. This part of Iso 4759 specifies tolerances for flat washers of product grades A, C and F with nominal diameters of 1 mm to 150 mm inclusive, designed to be used in bolted joints in combination with bolts, screws, studs and nuts. This part of ISO 4759 may be applied to non-flat washers however it does not include all the tolerances related to these washers. It applies to non-captive and captive washers, and to standard and non-standard washers. It does not apply to dynamic disc springs. Washers of product grades F and A are intended to be used with bolts, screws, studs and nuts of product grades A and B; washers of product grade C are intended to be used with bolts, screws, studs and nuts of product grade C. NOTE The product grade refers to a specific tolerance range related to dimensional and geometrical characteristics (product grade F for fine tolerances, product grade A for precise tolerances, product grade C for large…

  • ISO 4938:2016 pdf free download.Steel and iron Determination of nickel content Gravimetric or titrimetric method Aciers etfontL’s — Détei,ninution clii nickel — Métliode gruvilnétuique oil titrilnétrique. The following applies to test portions containing more than 5 mg of copper Follow the procedure as described in but increase the amount of dimethyiglyoxime solution (4.20) for the precipitation. Add 10 ml for each 10 mg of nickel present and add 30 ml in excess. The following applies to test portions containing more than 5 mg of cobalt. hvaporate the test solution prepared in 7.2.1 or to 100 ml approximately. Transfer the solution into a 600 ml beaker containing 100 ml of the ammonium citrate buffet’ solution (4.17) and 65 ml of ammonia solution After rinsing the original beaker with water, wash once with 15 ml of ammonia solution (4.13) and add the washing to the test solution. Add an amount of potassium hexacyanoferi’ate(lIl) solution (4.22) sufficient to oxidize the cobalt and manganese 1)t’esett (6 ml for each 0,1 g of cobalt and manganese) plus 10 % excess. Stir well (the solution should now be red) and, using a jH-meter .52), adjust the solution to pH 8,0 ± 0,2…

  • ISO 4955:2016 pdf free download.Heat-resistant steels Aciers refractaires. 7.3 Chemical composition 7.3.1 The chemical composition requirements given in Table 2 apply with respect to the chemical composition of the cast analysis. 7.3.2 The product analysis may deviate from the limiting values for the cast analysis given in Table 2 by values listed in Table 3. 7.4 Mechanical properties 7.4.1 Mechanical properties at room temperature The mechanical properties at room temperature as specified in Tables 6 and 2 apply for the relevant specified heat treatment condition. This does not apply to the process route 1U (hot rolled, not heat- treated, not descaled). If, by agreement at the time of ordering, the products are to be supplied in a non- heat-treated condition, the mechanical properties specified in Tables 6 and 2 shall be obtainable from reference test pieces which have received the appropriate heat treatment (simulated heat treatment). 7.4.2 Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures The mechanical properties at elevated temperature as specified in Tables apply for each specified heat treatment condition. This does not apply to the process route 1U (hot rolled, not heat-treated, not descaled) and to semi-finished products. The tensile test at elevated temperature shall be carried out at temperature…

  • ISO 5832-7:2016 pdf free download.Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 7:Forgeable and cold-formed cobaltchromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloy implants chirui:qicaux — Puothi its a base (le Illet(1UX — Partie 7: Alliage a )biqer mis en Jörme a Jroid a base de Cobalt, de chroiiie, (le nickel, de molybdène et deler. This ISO 5832-7 specifies the characteristics of, and corresponding test methods fot; forgeable and cold- Formed cobalt—chromium—nickel—molybdenum—iron alloy for use in the manufacture ofsurgical implants. NOTE The mechanical properties of a sample obtained from a finished product made of this alloy do not necessarily comply with those specified in this document. 2 Normative references The following docunients arc referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. Foi- dated references, only the edition cited applies. l-or undated references, the latest edition oF the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. I SO 643, Steels — Microgrup h Ic deteriii 111(1 tion of the apparent gui in size ISO 4967, Steel — Determination of content oJ non-metallic inclusions — Micrographic method usiiq StUfl(l(ii(l thuqrams ISO 6892-1, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method ojtest cit room temperature 3 Terms and definitions…

  • ISO 7076-3:2016 pdf free download.Fire protection Foam fire extinguishing systems Part 3:Medium expansion foam equipment Protection contre I’incendie — Systèmes d’extinction d’incendie U mousse — Pci rtie 3: Equipement pour mousse a iiioyen foisonnement. 5.11 Salt-spray corrosion test During the orroive exposure, a metallic part is to be connected to a typical pipe iittIng or hose coupling to simulate field installation, unless it is to be marked to specify fitting or coupling material or both. The specimens shall be su1)jected to a salt spray using the equipment specified in Iso 9227 and a salt solution having a mass fraction of 20 % sodium chloride in distilled water. The pH of the collected salt solution shall be between 6,5 and 7,2 and the density shall be between 1,126 g/ml and 1,157 g/mI when atomized at 3S O(: ±2 O(:. A suitable means of controlling the atmosphere in the chamber shall l)e provided. Suspend the specimens in their intended operating position and expose them to the salt spray (fog) in a chamber having a volume ofat least 0,4 m3. Maintain the exposure zone at a temperature of3S 0(2 ±2 0(2. Record the temperature at least once per day. Salt solution shall be…

  • ISO 7076-6:2016 pdf free download.Fire protection Foam fire extinguishing systems Part 6:Vehicle mounted compressed air foam systems Protection con tre I’incendie — Systèmes d’extinction d’m centhe ci mousse — Pci, tie 6: Equipemnent pour mousse physique a air corn prime monte stir vehicules. The proportioning ratio shall be automatically maintained within the range —0 % to +30 % of the designated value, even when pressure or rate of compressed air foam may change. At the nominal proportioning ratio, the CAFS shall produce vet foam within the compressed air foam delivery rate limits specified by the manulacturer. NOTE Another Specific Iequireflient might be agreed between the user and the manufacturer. The foam solution/air volume ratio shall be automatically maintained or easily manually controlled within ±20 % of the designated value as given in the CAFS description [see 7.23 c)J. 4.3.3 Storage vessels Storage vessels shall not leak or become detormed during transport, use, or when being retilled. The quantity of foam concentrate in the storage vessel shall be available to the operator. 5 Tests 5.1 General 5.1.1 Atmospheric conditions for tests unless otherwise stated in a test procedure, conduct the testing after the test specimen…