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  • ISO 7784-1:2016 pdf free download.Paints and varnishes Determination of resistance to abrasion Part 1:Method with abrasive-paper covered wheels and rotating test specimen Peintures et vernis — Determination de la résistance a l’abrasion — Partie 1: Méthode utilisant des roues revêtues de papier abrasif et une éprouvette rotative. 5.2.2 Abrasive paper, with agreed abrasive material and agreed grain size in accordance with FEPA Standard 43-1 or FEPA Standard 43-2, self-adhesive, and in strips with a width of (12,7 ± 0,2) mm, as well as a minimum length of 160 mm. If no self-adhesive abrasive paper is available, regular abrasive paper may be used together with double- sided adhesive tape. In case the strips of abrasive paper are cut at an angle (45°) prior to adhering (see Figure 3), a minimum length of 173 mm is required. NOTE It is common to agree on the abrasive paper on the basis of the identification of the abrasive wheel manufacturer. 5.3 Weights, to increase the test load up to about 10 N by attaching to each arm (see 5.1.2). NOTE For a common apparatus, the minimum test load which is exerted solely by the abrasive wheel and the arms without additional weights is 2,7…

  • ISO 8331:2016 pdf free download.Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies Guidelines for selection, storage, use and maintenance Tuyaux etfiexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique — Lignes directrices pour Ia selection, le stockage, l’utilisation et Ia maintenance. 5.8 Automotive hoses Hoses and hose assemblies used on automobiles are exposed to, and should be made resistant to or protected from, hostile environments, such as: a) the conditions of their location, for example under the bonnet (hood), where they can come into contact with fuel oils, lubricating oils, battery acid, etc., be exposed to heat from the engine or be exposed to an ozone-enriched atmosphere; b) the conditions in which the vehicle may be required to operate, such as extremes of temperature and humidity or splashing with sand, mud, gravel, snow, ice, etc.; c) movements between parts of the vehicle to which the hoses or hose assemblies are connected, and vibration. In the conditions given above, it is recommended that the hoses and hose assemblies be protected by shields wherever possible. Where the installation involves severe bends or where the fixing points are in different planes, the use or formed (shaped) hose should be considered. Hoses installed at bend radii less than…

  • ISO 8769:2016 pdf free download.Reference sources Calibration of surface contamination monitors Alpha-, beta- and photon emitters Sources (le reference — Etulonnuge des contrôleurs (le contuminution (le suifuce — Emetteurs alpha, beta et photoniques. The uniformity of a Class 1 reference source minus its relative standard uncertainty shall he greater than 90 %. For the purpose of specifying the uniformity of a source with respect to surface emission rate per area, the source shall be considered as comprising a numbei’ of portions of equal area and shape. For rectangular sources, the shape of the portions shall he identical to the shape of the active area of the source. The area of the portions shall he 10 cm2 or less. For the recommended sizes (see 5.2.1), a reference source active area ot 10 cm x 10 cm shall he divided into 16 quadratic portions and a source of 10 cm x 15 cm shall be divided into 16 rectangular portions. The individual emission rates shall be determined with a relative uncertainty that shall be consistent with that specified for the whole sout-ce in 52.2 and 53..2. These uncertainties shall be taken into account when calculating the expei’imental standard deviation to determine the…

  • ISO 9044:2016 pdf free download.Industrial woven wire cloth Technical requirements and tests Tissus métalliques industriels — Exigences techniques et verifications. 4.4.3 For cut-to-size pieces, the permissible number of major blemishes and their positions shall be agreed with the purchaser. Otherwise, the permissible number of major blemishes in cut-to-size pieces shall be determined according to Table 2. 4.5 Flatness Unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and purchaser, wire cloth rolls and pieces shall not necessarily be supplied to lie flat. If the purchaser requires flat wire cloth, the means of verifying flatness shall be agreed with the supplier. 4.6 Surface conditions Woven wire cloth may be covered with a film of oil as a result of the weaving process. The wires may show traces of auxiliary materials used in the drawing process. Depending on the wire material, there may be traces of corrosion. The surface may show markings caused by the drawing and/or weaving process. NOTE The depth of crimp generally differs between warp and weft wires. 4.7 Weaving wire 4.7.1 Material The purchaser shall specify the choice of material with respect to a) the final application of the woven wire cloth, e.g. resistance to environmental corrosion, compatibility with food products,…

  • ISO 9344:2016 pdf free download.Microscopes – Graticules for eyepieces Microscopes – Reticules pour oculaires. This ISO 9344 specifics dimensions and permissible material defects and processing faults for graticules with diameters of 19 mm, 21 mm and 26 mm to be used in microscope eyepieces for the purposes of measurement, assessment and comparison. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 10110-1, Optics and photonics — Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems — Part 1: General ISO 10110-3, Optics and optical instruments — Preparation of dra wings for optical elements and systems — Part 3: Material imperfections — Bubbles and inclusions ISO 10110-4, Optics and optical instruments — Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems — Part 4: Material imperfections — Inhomogeneity and striae ISO 10110-5, Optics and photonics — Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems — Part 5: Surface form tolerances ISO 10110-7, Optics and photonics — Preparation of drawings for optical…

  • ISO 11723:2016 pdf free download.Solid mineral fuels Determination of arsenic and selenium Eschka’s mixture and hydride generation method Combustibles minéraux solides — Dosage de l’arsenic et du sélénium— Mélange d’Eschka et méthode par production d’hydrure. 5.4 Potassium iodide solution, 500 g/l. Dissolve 50 g of analytical reagent (AR) grade Kl in distilled water and adjust the volume to 100 ml (for determination of As). 5.5 Sodium borohydride solution. Weigh 1,50 g of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and 0,4 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) into a plastic bottle of 125 ml capacity and add 100 ml of distilled water. Prepare freshly on the day of use. Alternatively, commercially available pressed pellets of sodium borohydride may be used. 5.6 Arsenic stock solution (100 mg/i). Dissolve 0,132 0 g ± 0,000 5 g of arsenic trioxide (As203 of 99,9 % purity, dried at 110 °C for 1 h) in 25 ml of 20 % KOH solution. Add approximately 50 ml of water and 20 ml of hydrochloric acid (52). Adjust the volume with water to 1 litre in a volumetric flask. Alternatively, dissolve 0,416 5 g ± 0,000 5 g of sodium arsenate (Na2HAsO4.7H20) in approximately 100 ml of water. Add 10 ml of…

  • ISO 12234-3:2016 pdf free download.Electronic still picture imaging Removable memory Part 3:XMP for digital photography Image électronique de photographie — Mémoire amovible — Partie 3: Utilisation du XMP. 6.2.9 Copyright This property shall encode the copyright holder of the image and an optional copyright statement as defined in the Dublin Core using a UCS string. Photo XMP name: dc:rights (LanguageAlternative) 6.2.10 DateTimeDigitized This property shall encode the date and time when the image was stored in its current location as digital data. The value shall be stored according to ISO 8601 format. The corresponding value type shall be Date (see D.2.2.2). Photo XMP name: xmp:CreateDate (Date) 6.2.11 DateTimeOriginal This property shall encode the date and time when the image was captured. It is normally provided using a real-time clock in the digital camera. It may include a time-zone offset. For long exposure times and high dynamic range imaging (l-IDR), the value should be the beginning of the first exposure. Photo XMP name: exif:DateTimeOriginal (Date) 6.2.12 DateTime This property shall encode the date and time that the image was last modified. It may include a time- zone offset. If the image has not been modified after the capture date, the value…

  • ISO 13061-14:2016 pdf free download.Physical and mechanical properties of wood Test methods for small clear wood specimens Part 14:Determination of volumetric shrinkage Propriétés pliysiques et inecuniques dii bois — Méthodes cI’essuis Sill’ petites eprouvettes de bois suns déftiuts — Purtie 14: Determination dii ret ra it volumique. Measurement 1)oillts shall be marked at the middle of each surface of test piece. The centre pointS shall be marked on both fces of tangential and radial stirfces for determi iii ng the (Ii menSion in radial and tangential directions, respectively. Dimensions of the test pieces shall be measured between the marks at each stage of moisture conditions. 5.3 Procedure 5.3.1 Determination of the dimensions of test pieces in green or fully saturated condition The moisture content of test pieces shall be considerably higher than the fibre saturation point (FSP). When the moisture content is belov FSP, soak the test pieces in distilled water at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C until no further change in dimensions occurs. Check the changes in dimensions every 3 d through repeated measurements at the same points until the difference between two successive measurements does not exceed 0,01 mm. In this case, it shall be reported…

  • ISO 13400-3:2016 pdf free download.Road vehicles Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP) Part 3:Wired vehicle interface based on IEEE 802.3 Véhicules routiers — communication de diagnostic au travers dii protocole internet (DoIP) — Partie 3: lnterftice dii véhicule câblé stir Ia base de I’IEEE8O2.3. 7 Ethernet physical and data link layer requirements 7.1 General information Ethernet is a collection of several standards for different tranSmiSSion technologies and speeds contained in IEEE 802.3 and is a frame-based networking technology for wired local area networks. Frames are defined as the foi’mat of data iackets on the wire. The Internet Protocol (lPv4) theoretically allows for a maximum IP packet length of 64 Khytes. This size is limited by the Ethernet specification, which defines a 16-bit-length field and requires a minimum packet length of64 bytes, as well as allowing for a maximum payload length of 1 500 bytes. Consequently, IP packets can have a maximum length of only 1 500 bytes on Ethernet. Howevei IP allows for fragmentation of IP packets over multiple Ethernet frames to work around this limitation. The rules for fragmentation of IP packets differ between IPv6 and lPv4 and are not specified in this document. The Ethernet connection of a…

  • ISO 13909-5:2016 pdf free download.Hard coal and coke Mechanical sampling Part 5:Coke Sampling from moving streams Houlile et coke — Echantillonnage mécanique — Partie 5: Coke — Echantillonnage en continu. Under some conditions, e.g. high ambient temperature, increments which are smaller than those corresponding to the design capacity of the system may suffer from disproportionate changes in quality, e.g. loss in moisture, and precautions need to be taken to prevent this. If such losses cannot be prevented and are found to cause bias, such means as buffer hoppers shall be used. Alternatively, increments can themselves be retained temporarily in a buffer hopper until there is sufficient mass to ensure passage, without introducing bias into the system, through an on-line preparation system. On no account shall a primary sampler be switched off at low flow rates to avoid low mass increments. When measuring primary increment variance (see ISO 13909-7:20 16, Clause 6) at preliminary stages in the design of the sampling scheme, use increment masses that are close to those expected to be taken by the system, based on similar coke from similar sampling systems. After implementation of the sampling scheme, the precision of the result can be estimated and adjusted…