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ISO Standards
  • BS ISO 21064:2017 pdf free.Prosthetics and orthotics – Foot orthotics – Uses, functions classification and description. Foot orthotic devices may be used to achieve the following clinical objectives: a) to relieve pain; b) to promote balanced standing and walking; c) to manage deformities which are: 1) reducible (flexible) (e.g. pes planus); 2) irreducible (ixed) (e.g fixed equinus); d) to control joint instability (e.g ankle ligament insufficiency); e) to compensate for abnormal limb length and/or foot length or shape; f) to protect tssues (e.g. diabetic neuropathy and iflammatory arthropathy); g) to promote healing (e.g. foot ulcer); h) to stimulate motor-sensory feedback. 5 Functions The function of the device may be: a) for deformities: 1) to reduce or correct a deformity (ie. to move a reducible (flexible) deformity into an improved alignment and hold the correction obtained]; 2) to hold a deformity (i.e. to prevent a fixed deformity from increasing); b) to control the alignment of a joint; c) to control the motion of a joint; d) to compensate for abnormal limb length and/or foot shape and size; e) to reduce or redistribute the load on the foot; f) to apply increased pressure on a specific area(s) of the foot surface. 6…

  • ISO 20740-2019 pdf free.Martial arts – Wushu Taiji sword – Requirements and test method. The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 4287, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Terins, definitions and surface texture parameters ISO 8 124-3, Safety of toys — Part 3: Migration of certain elements ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres — Salt spray tests ISO 10289, Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates — Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: ISO Online browsing platform: available at — IEC Electropedia: available at 3.1 Wushu Taiji sword apparatus used for practice and demonstration of Wushu Taiji sport Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1. 5.2.2 The pommel shall be 45…

  • ISO 9328-5-2018 pdf free.Steel flat products for pressure purposes一Technical delivery conditions – Part 5: Weldable fine grain steels, thermomechanically rolled. This document covers the steel grades specified in Annexes A and B in four series: a) basic series (P…M. PT…M); b) series with low temperature properties down to —40 °C (P…ML1, PT…ML1); c) series with low temperature properties down to —50 °C (R..ML2 – grades of AnnexA only); d) series with low temperature properties down to —60 °C (PT…ML3 — grades of Annex B only). NOTE 1 The steel grades in Annex A are classified in accordance with their yield strength; the steel grades In Annex B are classified in accordance with their tensile strength. NOTE 2 Information on the designation of comparable steel grades in national or regional standards is given in Annex C. 5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 5.1 Mandatory information Shall be In accordance with ISO 9328-1. Additionally, for steel grades in accordance with AnnexB. the test direction for the impact test shall be agreed upon (see Clause 9 and Table BA, footnote a). 5.2 Options A number of options are specified in this document. These are listed below under a) to g). Additionally,…

  • ISO 1070-2018 pdf free.Hydrometry一Slope-area method. The slope—area method is most often used to document a flood or very high flow event. The friction slope defined in the flow resistance formulae is approximated by surveying high-water marks on both banks within the measuring reach to determine the change in water surface elevation, determining the velocity heads at each section, and evaluating the loss due to contraction or expansion. The high- water marks should extend upstream of the most upstream cross section and downstream of the most downstream cross section. The high-water marks may consist of drift on banks, wash lines, seed lines on trees, mud lines, and drift in bushes or trees. Each high-water mark should be rated as excellent, good, fair or poor, which will help with interpreting the high-water profile and slope. Mud lines and seed lines on tree trunks or structures typically are excellent high-water marks. Drift and wash lines are usually good, fair or poor depending on the tendency of the stream bank vegetation to bounce back from the forces exerted on it by the flowing water. Care should be exercised in using high-water marks on trees and other obstacles in high-velocity areas because they may be…

  • ISO 9328-7-2018 pdf free.Steel flat products for pressure purposes一Technical delivery conditions一Part 7: Stainless steels. An order of 10 plates made of a steel grade with the name XSCrNiI8-10 as specified in this document with nominal dimensions thickness = 8 mm. width = 2 000 mm, length = 5 000 mm and tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass as specified in Iso 18286, with ‘normal flatness tolerance in process route 1D (see Tabk6), and with inspection certificate 3.1 as specified in ISO 10474 is designated as follows: 10 plates ISO 18286 – 8 2 000 x 5 000 N – Steel ISO 9328-7 – X5 CrNilB-10 + ID – Inspection certificate 3.1 6 Requirements 6.1 Steelma king process Shall be in accordance with ISO 9328-1. 6.2 Delivery condition The products shall be supplied in the delivery condition specified in the order by reference to the process route given in Table 6 and, where alternatives exist, to the treatment conditions given in TahIesl to 10. Guidelines for further treatment, including heat treatment, are given in Annex B. 6.3 Chemical composition and chemical corrosion properties 6.3.1 The chemical composition requirements given in Tabksj. to 4 apply in respect of the chemical composition according…

  • BS ISO 20676:2018 pdf free.Natural gas一Upstream area一Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by laser absorption spectroscopy. Sampling shall be performed in accordance with ISO 10715. All the materials used for sampling equipment and transfer lines shall be inert to sulfur compounds. For direct sampling, it should include sample conditioning to ensure the gas injected into the analysis unit does not contain any liquid water, dust or liquid hydrocarbons. WARNING — HS is poisonous, it is important for the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. 7.4 Measurement of hydrogen sulfide in natural gas sample Suitable instrument should be selected according to the content of hydrogen sulfide and accuracy requirement. The analyser should be in the measurement mode while doing the measurement. Connect the gas sample with the analyser according to Figure 2. Adjust the input pressure to 0,2 MPa to 0,4 MPa by the gas regulator. Keep a constant and stable flow rate. The change of the flow rate should be less than 10 %. Sweep the analyser with the gas flow for at least 2 mm. After the sulfur-containing sample is tested, it should go through the absorption solution before it is vented. 7.5 Data processing When the analyser…

  • BS ISO 20558-1:2018 pdf free.Plastics一Poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS] moulding and extrusion materials Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications. In this data block, the range of melt mass-flow rate or melt viscosity is represented by a composite designation comprising a code-letter/code-number pair indicating the test conditions followed by a sign and a two-figure code-number indicating the range itself (see i52). the whole being placed between parentheses. This designation is followed by a two-figure code-number representing the density (see 4S3) and a two-figure code-number representing the tensile modulus (see 4.5.4). The composite designation representing the melt mass-flow rate or melt viscosity, the code-number representing the density and the code-number representing the tensile modulus are separated from each other by hyphens. EXAMPLE The ranges of values of the designatory properties of PPS having a melt mass-flow rate, measured under the conditions 315 °C/5,00 kg (A5), of 8 g/10 mm (09), a density of 1 600 kg/rn3 (16) and a tensile modulus of 14000 MPa (14) would be indicated by (A5 + 09)16-14. If a property value falls on or near a range limit, the manufacturer shall state which range will designate the material. If subsequent individual test values lie on, or on…

  • ISO 20574-2019 pdf free.Road vehicles一Durability test method for starter motor for stop and start system. CIn this stage, the following steps shall be conducted. 1) The dummy starter motor shall be changed to the calibration starter motor. The calibration starter motor is used to calibrate the temperature control system for the test. 2) Starter motor input V-I curve shall be adjusted according toll. 3) All test conditions shall be once again checked. If test conditions are not matching to the agreed test setup, the parameters shall be adjusted according to Table 2. 4) The starter motor cooling system (e.g. external fans) shall now be calibrated according to 7.1. 5) If all steps were taken, the durability test is ready to be executed. 6.1.4 Test execution stage In this stage, the following steps shall be conducted. 1) Brush length of DOT should either be measured or specified nominal brush length should be used and recorded according to II. 2) The performance of the DOT shall be tested with agreed starter motor input according to ISO 8856. 3) The calibration starter motor shall be changed to DOT. 4) Initial conditions shall be documented, refer to Annex D items. 5) All the channel…

  • ISO 20188-2018 pdf free.Space systems—Product assurance requirements for commercial satellites. 5.10 Organizational capability aspects At least, prime contractor shall be certified to the applicable space standards (e.g. AS 9100, EN 9100 or JIS Q 9100) or equivalent standards. The certificate of registration or a current conformity status relative to the standards will be closely monitored by prime contractor’s PA team. 6 Quality assurance 6.1 Quality assurance program As part of the PA program, the contractor shall document and maintain an effective and timely quality assurance program in accordance with ISO 27025 or equivalent standards (e.g. Reference [29]). which will be planned in conjunction with other project functions. Quality program shall be implemented in a manner which permits the detection and correction of deficiencies and other associated non. compliances at the earliest practical point. Inclusion of provisions for ascertaining product quality from procurement through fabrication and testing, and the delivery of the completed deliverable system, as well as launch activities, shall be incorporated. Quality assurance program shall provide recorded evidence of quality in the form of inspection and test results as well as systematic audit findings. This record shall be documented in sufficient detail, accuracy and completeness to permit analysis. Records…

  • ISO 17072-1-2019 pdf free.Leather – Chemical determination of metal content – Extractable metals. Preparation of acid artificial-perspiration solution, shall be in accordance with ISO 105-E04. The solution shall be freshly prepared each day, containing, per litre: — 0,5 g of L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate (53); — 5 g of sodium chloride (SA); — 2,2 g of sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate (5.5). The solution is brought to pH (5.5 ± 0.1) with 0,1 mol/l sodium hydroxide solution. 8.2 Extraction of leather sample Weigh accurately 2 g of the prepared leather to the nearest 0,00 1 g using an analytical balance (&3) and place in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask (5). Add 100 ml of the acid artificial-perspiration solution (&1) by pipette and, at (37 ± 2) °C, shake (f J.Q) in a water bath (6J) for 4 h ± 5 mm. In case of insufficient sample, it is possible to sample 1 g of leather, but in this case the extraction shall be performed with 50 ml of the acid artificial-perspiration in a 150 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Filter the extract with a filter paper (6.6), then filter with a membrane filter (6.5). In the case of Sn, Sb, Pb determination, check that…