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ISO Standards
  • BS ISO 15363:2017 pdf free.Metallic materials – Tube ring hydraulic pressure test. When a steel tape is used, friction shall be minimized by coating both the tape and test ring circumference with a suitable lubricant. Change in circumference shall be measured by a suitable mechanical or electrical device accurate to within ± 0,25 mm. 6.3 The equipment for measuring the increase in circumference shall be wrapped around the test ring before application of the internal pressure. 6.4 The tolerance for the measurement of internal pressure shall he within ± I %. Accuracy of the pressure measurement device shall be verified, for example by comparison with dead weight test equipment, at the commencement of a sequence of testing and not less than once per year during the testing period. 6.5 The rate of strain shall not exceed 0,2 % mm-1. 6.6 The pressure and circumferential extension output signals shall be recorded, for example on an X-Y plotter, and related to the test piece identity. 7 Hoop strength evaluation 7.1 A typical test pressure-circumferential extension record is shown in Figure 5. 7.2 The pressure p corresponding to the specified total circumferential strain shall be determined from the test record. 7.3 For tubes…

  • BS EN ISO 20785-1:2017 pdf free.Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft Part 1: Conceptual basis for measurements (ISO 20785-1:2012). indication quantity value provided by a measuring instrument or a measuring system Note 1 to entry: An indication can be presented in visual or acoustic form or can be transferred to another device. An indication is often given by the position of a pointer on the display for analogue outputs, a displayed or printed number for digital outputs, a code pattern for code outputs, or an assigned quantity value for material measures. Note 2 to entry: An indication and a corresponding value of the quantity being measured are not necessarily values of quantities of the same kind. 2.1.4 reference conditions conditions of use prescribed for testing the performance of a detector assembly or for comparison of results of measurements Note 1 to entry: The reference conditions represent the values of the set o influence quantities for which the calibration result is valid without any correction. Note 2 to entry: The value of the measurand may be chosen freely in agreement with the properties of the detector assembly to be calibrated. The quantity to be measured is not an…

  • BS EN ISO 3613:2021 pdf free.Metallic and other inorganic coatings一Chromate conversion coatings on zinc, cadmium, aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc- aluminium alloys一Test methods. In the case of a cadmium substrate, observe the appearance of the spot for 1 mm. The formation of a dark or black stain at least 5 s after the application of the test solution shall be deemed to indicate the presence of a colourless chromate conversion coating. Black stain formation after more than I mm can be indicative of the presence of supplementary coatings, such as wax or oil. For comparison purposes, test an untreated surface similarly. Untreated zinc and cadmium surfaces, or the surfaces that have been treated for the chromate conversion coating but do not have a continuous coating, will react with the lead acetate solution to form a black stain on the untreated or bare zinc and cadmium surfaces almost immediately, within 2 s to 5 Sb after the application of the test solution. No significance is to be placed upon any differences in the reaction time to black-spot formation between 1 mm and 3 mm on a zinc substrate, or between 5 s and 60 s on a cadmium substrate, with a colourless…

  • BS ISO 7870-8:2017 pdf free.Control charts Part 8: Charting techniques for short runs and small mixed batches. The business aim of statistical process control (SPC) is to control and improve quality, increase productivity and reduce cost. The principal graphical tool of SPC is the control chart. There arc three main classes of control charts: Shewhart, cumulative sum cusum) and exponentially weighted moving average (F.WMA). NOTE Cusum control charts are dealt with in ISO 7870.4 and EWMA in ISO 7870.6. The Shewhart control chart provides a graphical representation of a process showing plotted values of a representative statistic of a selected characteristic (for instance, the individual value, mean, range or standard deviation), a centre line, and one or more control lines. The control line(s) and centre line are used as a basis for judging the stability ol the process, namely, whether or not the process is in a state of statistical control. Control lines are derived from the actual performance of the process and are not to be confused with specified limits or specified tolerances. Shewhart control charts provide a common language for communicating technical information on the performance of a process. Control charts are effective tools in understanding process behaviour….

  • ISO 36-2017 pdf free.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic一Determination of adhesion to texti le fabrics. The stripping force required to separate two plies of fabric bonded with rubber, or a rubber layer and a fabric ply bonded together, is measured under specified conditions using test pieces of standard dimensions in the form ola flat strip. S Apparatus 5.1 Test machine, power-driven and equipped with a suitable dynamometer; it shall be capable of maintaining a substantially constant rate of traverse of the moving head during the test and shall be linked to an autographic recorder or a computer with graphic capabilities for data acquisition and processing. An inertialess dynamometer (of the electronic or optical type, for example) should preferably be used. The machine shall comply with the requirements of ISO 5893. be capable of measuring force with an accuracy corresponding to class 1 as defined in ISO 5893:2002, and have a rate of traverse of the moving grip of 50 mm/mm ± 5 mm/mm. The machine shall be fitted with grips capable of holding the test piece and the ply to be separated without slipping during the test. 5.2 Autographlc recorder, with a scale sufficiently large to permit easy interpretation of the trace,…

  • BS ISO 91:2017 pdf free.Petroleum and related products  – Temperature and pressure volume correction factors (petroleum measurement tables) and standard reference conditions. API MPMS Chapter 11.1-2004/Adjunct to ASTM D1250-04 and IP 200/04 provides general procedures for the conversion of input data to generate the corrected values at the user specified base temperature and pressure using the effect of temperature on the liquid (CTL), the compressibility coefficient (Fr), the correction for the effect of pressure on the liquid (CPL), or the correction for temperature and pressure of a liquid (CTPL), in a form that is consistent with the computation procedures used to generate VCF values. Two sets of procedures are given for computing the volume correction factor: one set for data expressed in U.S. customary units (temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, pressure in pounds per square inch gauge). the other for the metric system of units (temperature in degrees Celsius. pressure in kilopascals). In contrast to API MPMS Chapter 11.1-1980/ASTM D1250-80/IP 200/80, the metric procedures require the procedure for U.S. customary units be used first to compute density at 60 °F. This value is then further corrected to give the metric output. For density/weight/volume intraconversion, reference shall be made to API MPMS…

  • BS ISO 20759:2017 pdf free.Traditional Chinese medicine一Artemisia argyi leaf. The following requirements should be met before separating the bulk sample into test samples. a) Artermisia argyl leaf shall be clean and free from foreign matter. b) The presence of moldy leaves, external contaminants and living insects which are visible to the naked eye shall not be permitted. 5.2 Macroscopic characteristics The leaves are mostly crumpled or broken, with short petioles and usually without pseudostipule at the base. The leaf blade is broad ovate, rhombic-ovate, or ovate-elliptical, 5 cm to 9(16) cm long, 4 cm to 8(16) cm wide, and pinnatipartite to pinnatifId; segments in two or three pairs, elliptical-lanceolate, or elliptical-oblanceolate, frequently 1 cm to 1,5(3) cm wide, with margin irregularly dentate or lobed or wide serrate, dentate piece or wide sawtooth, mostly asymmetrically ovate-lanceolate, ovate-triangular, or entire. Smaller leaves are fewer, pinnatipartite, tn-cleft, and sometimes entire and elliptical to lanceolate. The upper surface is greyish-green or dark yellowish-green, possessing somewhat sparse pubescences, denser glandular dots and small pits; lower surface is covered densely with greyish-white tomenta. The petiole is usually 2 mm to 8 mm long, and up to 1,3 cm in the cultivated plants. It has a specific,…

  • BS EN ISO 5754:2017 pdf free.Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals一Unnotched impact test piece. This document specifies the dimensions of an unnotched impact test piece of sintered metal materials. The test piece may be obtained directly by pressing and sintering or by machining a sintered part. This document applies to all sintered metals and alloys, with the exception of hardmetals. However, for certain materials (for example, materials with low porosity or materials with high ductility), it may be more appropriate to use a notched test piece which, in this case, will give results with less scatter. (In this case, refer to ISO 148-1.) NOTE For porous sintered materials, the results obtained from impact tests are not necessarily very accurate compared with results obtained from tests on solid metals. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 148-1, Metallic materials — Charpy pendulum impact test — Part 1: Test method 3 Terms and definitions No terms and definitions are…

  • ISO 15-2017 pdf free.Rolling bearings – Radial bearings – Boundary dimensions, general plan. This document specifies preferred boundary dimensions for radial bearings of the diameter series 7,8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document, For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 464, Rolling bearings — Radial bearings with locating snap ring — Dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values ISO 5593, Rolling bearings — Vocabulary ISO 12043, Rolling bearings — Single-row cylindrical roller bearings — Chamfer dimensions for loose rib and non-rib sides ISO 12044, Rolling bearings — Single-row angular contact ball bearings — Chamfer dimensions for outer ring non-thrust side 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5593 apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at — ISO Online browsing platform: available at 4 Symbols For the purposes of this…

  • BS ISO 27917:2017 pdf free.Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage一Vocabulary 一 Cross cutting terms. CCS project life cycle entirety of phases of a CCS project from concept through to post-closure Note I to entry: The CCS project life cycle includes mainly concept, design, obtaining permit, construction, operation, monitoring, measurement and verification, decommissioning, closure and post-closure (see Annex 13). life cycle assessment LCA compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental and health impacts of a CCS project or a component part throughout its life cycle[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.2 modified — “and healthN and a CCS project or a component partN have been added and “of a product system” has been deleted. The Note ito entry has been added.] Note 1 to entry: Boundaries of the assessment include all equipment and processes necessary to evaluate a CCS project or component part. The main input and output flows may include raw materials, process gases. electricity. fossil fuels, water, COz, emission in air and water, solid and liquid waste, co-products, etc. value chain entire sequence of activities or parties that provide or receive value in the form of products or services [SOURCE: ISO 26000:20 10, 2.25j CCS energy consumption…