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Road vehicles
  • BS ISO 8820-2:2014 pdf free.Road vehicles一Fuse-links Part 2: User guidelines. This part of ISO 8820 gives guidance for the choice and application of automotive fuse-links which are defined in the other parts of this International Standard. It describes the various parameters which have to be taken into account when selecting fuse-links. Fuse-links according to ISO 8820 are intended for electrical cable protection. If these types of fuse-links are to be used for electrical component protection, it should be agreed between customer and supplier. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the other parts of ISO 8820. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 8820-1, Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 1: Definitions and general test requirements 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in 150 8820-1 apply. 4 Rated voltage and system voltage The fuse rated voltage shall always be higher than the nominal voltage of the electrical system of the vehicle…

  • ISO 8820-5-2015 pdf free.Road vehicles – Fuse-links – Part 5: Fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures. This part of ISO 8820 specifies fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Type SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures for fuses in road vehicles. It establishes, for these fuse-link types, the rated current, test procedures, performance requirements. and dimensions. This part of ISO 8820 is applicable to fuse-links with a rated voltage of 32 V, a current rating of 30 A to 500 A, and a breaking capacity of 2 000 A intended for use in the electrical system of road vehicles with a nominal voltage of 12 V and/or 24 V. This part of ISO 8820 is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 8820-1 and with ISO 8820-2. The numbering of its Clauses corresponds to that of ISO 8820-1, whose requirements are applicable except where modified by requirements particular to this part of ISO 8820. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the…

  • BS ISO 3894:2015 pdf free.Road vehicles一Wheels/rims for commercial vehicles一Test methods. BS ISO 3894 specifies two laboratory methods for testing certain essential strength characteristics of disc wheels intended for road use on commercial vehicles, buses, trailers, and multipurpose passenger vehicles, as defined in ISO 3833. The test methods are — dynamic cornering fatigue test and — dynamic radial fatigue test. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 3833, Road vehicles — Types — Terms and definitions ISO 3911, Wheels and rims for pneumatic tyres — Vocabulary, designation and marking 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3911 and the following apply. 3.1 test bolt (fasteners) test bolt is a bolt that is attached to the hub/test fixture before mounting the wheel 3.2 wheel nut (fasteners) nut for fastening the wheel as a set with the test bolts (fasteners) (3d) 3.3 load rating value obtained by converting the force to mass which can…

  • ISO 17987-4-2016 pdf free.Road vehicles一Local Interconnect Network (LIN])一Part 4: Electrical physical layer (EPL] specification 12 V/24 V. ISO 17987 (all parts) and ISO 14229-7 are based on the conventions specified in the OSl Service Conventions (see ISO/IEC 10731) as they apply for physical layer, protocol, network and transport protocol and diagnostic services. 5 Electrical physical layer requirements 5.1 Bit rate deviation The bit rate deviation of the LIN medium describes the bit rate deviation from a referenced bit rate. It is the sum of the following parameters: — inaccuracy of setting the bit rate (systematic failure due to granularity of the configurable bit rate); — clock deviation over temperature and supply voltage range; — clock source stability of the slave node starting from the end of the sync byte field up to the end of the entire LIN frame (last sampled bit) when performing synchronization; — bit time measurement failure of the slave node; — clock source stability of the master node starting from the end of the sync byte field up to the end of the entire UN frame (last transmitted bit). On-chip clock may achieve a frequency deviation of better than ±14 % with internal calibration. This bit…

  • ISO 20574-2019 pdf free.Road vehicles一Durability test method for starter motor for stop and start system. CIn this stage, the following steps shall be conducted. 1) The dummy starter motor shall be changed to the calibration starter motor. The calibration starter motor is used to calibrate the temperature control system for the test. 2) Starter motor input V-I curve shall be adjusted according toll. 3) All test conditions shall be once again checked. If test conditions are not matching to the agreed test setup, the parameters shall be adjusted according to Table 2. 4) The starter motor cooling system (e.g. external fans) shall now be calibrated according to 7.1. 5) If all steps were taken, the durability test is ready to be executed. 6.1.4 Test execution stage In this stage, the following steps shall be conducted. 1) Brush length of DOT should either be measured or specified nominal brush length should be used and recorded according to II. 2) The performance of the DOT shall be tested with agreed starter motor input according to ISO 8856. 3) The calibration starter motor shall be changed to DOT. 4) Initial conditions shall be documented, refer to Annex D items. 5) All the channel…

  • BS ISO 20078-3:2019 pdf free.Road vehicles – Extended vehicle (ExVe] web services Part 3: Security. This document defines how to authenticate users and Accessing Parties on a web services interface. It also defines how a Resource Owner can delegate Access to its Resources to an Accessing Party. Within this context, this document also defines the necessary roles and required separation of duties between these in order to fulfil requirements stated on security, data privacy and data protection. All conditions and dependencies of the roles are defined towards a reference implementation using OAuth 2.0 compatible framework and OpeniD Connect 1.0 compatible framework. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 20078-1 Road vehicles — Extended vehicle (ExVe) ‘web services’ — Content 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the terms, definitions and abbreviations given in ISO 20078-1 and following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:…

  • ISO 3536:2016 pdf free download.Road vehicles Safety glazing materials Vocabulary Véhicules routiers — Vii rages de sécurité — Vocabulaire. This ISO 3536 defines terms relating to safety glazing materials for road vehicles. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the Following terms and definitions apply. 2.1 safety glazing material glazing material consisting of organic and/or inorganic materials so constructed or treated to minimize the likelihood of injury to persons as a result of contact with these safety glazing materials when used in a vehicle and which complies with specified requirements for visil)ility, strength, and durability 2.2 toughened safety glass glazing material consisting of a single layer of glass which has been subjected to special thermal or chemical treatment to increase its mechanical strength and to condition its fragmentation after shatter 2.3 laminated safety glass glazing material consisting of two or more layers olgiass held together by one or more inter! ayers (2A) Note 1 to entry: The following two types are recognized: — ordinary: when none of the layers of glass, of which it is composed, has l)eefl treated, i.e. normal annealed glass; — treated: when at least one of the layers of glass, of which it…

  • ISO 3917:2016 pdf free download.Road vehicles Safety glazing materials Test methods for resistance to radiation, high temperature, humidity fire and simulated weathering Véhicules routiers — Vitrages de sécurité — Méth odes d’essai de résistance a u rayon n em en t, a ux temp era tu res élevées, a I ‘h urn idi té, a u feu et aux conditions climatiques simulées. 10.2 Exposure apparatus The exposure apparatus3) shall use a long arc xenon lamp as the source of irradiation, which shall comply with ISO 4892-2:2013, Method A (artificial weathering). The long arc xenon lamp is advantageous in that it can, when correctly filtered and maintained, yield a spectrum most closely approximating that of natural sunlight. To this end, the quartz xenon burner tube shall be fitted with suitable borosilicate glass optical filter(s)4). The xenon lamps employed shall be operated from a suitable 50 Hz or 60 Hz power supply through suitable reactance transformers and electrical equipment. The exposure apparatus shall include equipment necessary for measuring and/or controlling the following: a) irradiance; b) black standard temperature; c) water spray; d) operating schedule or cycle. The exposure apparatus shall be made from inert materials which do not contaminate the water employed…

  • ISO 13400-3:2016 pdf free download.Road vehicles Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP) Part 3:Wired vehicle interface based on IEEE 802.3 Véhicules routiers — communication de diagnostic au travers dii protocole internet (DoIP) — Partie 3: lnterftice dii véhicule câblé stir Ia base de I’IEEE8O2.3. 7 Ethernet physical and data link layer requirements 7.1 General information Ethernet is a collection of several standards for different tranSmiSSion technologies and speeds contained in IEEE 802.3 and is a frame-based networking technology for wired local area networks. Frames are defined as the foi’mat of data iackets on the wire. The Internet Protocol (lPv4) theoretically allows for a maximum IP packet length of 64 Khytes. This size is limited by the Ethernet specification, which defines a 16-bit-length field and requires a minimum packet length of64 bytes, as well as allowing for a maximum payload length of 1 500 bytes. Consequently, IP packets can have a maximum length of only 1 500 bytes on Ethernet. Howevei IP allows for fragmentation of IP packets over multiple Ethernet frames to work around this limitation. The rules for fragmentation of IP packets differ between IPv6 and lPv4 and are not specified in this document. The Ethernet connection of a…