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Gas cylinders
  • ISO 21007-2-2015 pdf free.Gas cylinders一Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology一 Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification. This part of ISo 21007 establishes a common flexible framework for data structure to enable the U nambiguous identification in gas cylinder (GC) applications and for other common data elenwnts in this sector. Tb is part of ISO 2 1007 enables a Structure to allow some harmonization between different systems, I lowever. it does not prescribe any one system and has been writ ten in a non-mandatory style so as not to make it obsolete as technology changes. The main body of this part of ISO 21007 excludes any data elements that form any part oitransmission or storage protocols such as headers and checksums. For tieta i Is on cylinder/tag operations, see Annex A. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced ill this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 3166-1. cocks Jór the represent at ion 0/flumes of count ries mid their subdivisions — Part 1: Lountry codes ISO…

  • BS ISO 20475:2018 pdf free.Gas cylinders – Cylinder bundles – Periodic inspection and testing. Depending upon the nature of the operation, an existing bundle may. upon dismantling, be reassembled using the same frame, cylinders and components. Alternatively, frames, cylinders and components may be interchanged for ease of operation during the periodic inspection and testing, provided these parts are in compliance with the type approval of the bundle. If a replacement of any part o[the bundle takes place at any stage during the periodic inspection and testing. the new parts shall be compatible with the original design type specification and the tare of the bundle shall be adjusted if necessary. 5.2 Identification of cylinders/bundles and preparation for inspections and tests Upon receipt of the bundle for inspection, the gas content within the bundle shall be identified. Before any work is carried out, the relevant cylinder data and ownership shall be identified and the bundle type approval made available to the inspection body, if necessary. 5.3 Depressurization of manifold and individual cylinders WARNING — Safety measures shall be taken to protect personnel carrying out the periodic inspection and testing of bundles due to the considerable damage that could be caused from the…

  • ISO 9809-1-2019 pdf free.Gas cylinders一Design, construction and testing of refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes一Part 1: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders and tubes with tensile strength less than 1 100 MPa. Assessment of conformity to this international standard shall take into account the applicable regulations of the countries of use. To ensure that cylinders conform to this document, they shall be subject to inspection and testing in accordance with Clauses 9. 10 and II. Tests and examinations performed to demonstrate compliance with this document shall be conducted using instruments calibrated before being put into service and thereafter according to an established programme. 6 Materials 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 Materials for the manufacture of gas cylinders shall fall within one of the following categories: a) internationally recognized cylinder steels; b) nationally recognized cylinder steels; c) new cylinder steels resulting from technical progress. For all categories, the relevant conditions specified in 2 and 6 shall be satisfied. 6.1.2 The material used for the manufacture of gas cylinders shall be steel, other than rimming quality with non-ageing properties and shall be fully killed with aluminium and/or silicon. In cases where examination of this non-ageing property is required by the customer, the criteria…