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ISO 21007-2-2015 pdf free
HomeISO StandardsISO 21007-2-2015 pdf free

ISO 21007-2-2015 pdf free.Gas cylinders一Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology一 Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification.
This part of ISo 21007 establishes a common flexible framework for data structure to enable the U nambiguous identification in gas cylinder (GC) applications and for other common data elenwnts in this sector.
Tb is part of ISO 2 1007 enables a Structure to allow some harmonization between different systems, I lowever. it does not prescribe any one system and has been writ ten in a non-mandatory style so as not to make it obsolete as technology changes.
The main body of this part of ISO 21007 excludes any data elements that form any part oitransmission or storage protocols such as headers and checksums.
For tieta i Is on cylinder/tag operations, see Annex A.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced ill this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3166-1. cocks Jór the represent at ion 0/flumes of count ries mid their subdivisions — Part 1: Lountry codes ISO 13769, Ga.s cylindei:s — Stamp mai*ing
ISO/TR 17:129, Gas cylinders — !deiitificution of gas cylinder irianu icturer murk.s and their assigned radio frequency identification (RFID) codes
ISO 2 1007—1:2005, Gas cylinders — Ick’ntilicatu,n and marking using radio frequency identification technology — Part 1: Rcfrrence architecture and terminology
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2008, injormation technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation — Part I
ISO/I EC 8825—2, injormut ion technology — ASN. I eticuclinq rules: Specification v/ Packed Encoding Rules (PER)
ISO/IFC 18000-6. Information technology — Radio !requency iclenti[icution fir item management — Part 6: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 Mlii to 960 Miii General
3 Terms, (Iefirntions and numerical notations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes otthis document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 21007-1 and the followiiigapply.
4 Data Presentation
4.1 General requirements
The data element construct determinea in this part 0,1St) 1100! Is an enanling structure. it IS aesignea LI) accommodate wit hin its framework, data element constructs for a variety of ((. apl)IicatiOflS, froni simple (IC identification to more complex transactions with a wide variety of tist’s, afld to allow combinations of data elements to he used in a composite data construct. It is designed to allow as much interoperahility of the data elements within an electronic data interchange/electronic data transfer (EDt/EDT) environment as is possible and has to provide a capability for a significant expansion of the nu in her of CC appl icat IOnS iithe future.
Tb is part of ISO 21007 takes cognizance of and accommodates the operation of systems of different capabilities and will enable within its structure the interoperability of one transponder in any country, even though the operator systems themselves may be significantly different, so long as there is a common air interface (at reference point Delta) and protocol. Even where information has to be collected by a separate interrogator because air carrier compatibility does not exist, the data once collected is in a commonly interoperable format and so may he LiSed accurately and effectively within an El)l/EI)T environment.
The data element structure defined in this part of ISO 21007 specifies the general presentation rules for transfer oIASN.1 data schemes. It is also the purpose of this part of ISO 21007 to determine how ASN.1 will he used for data transmission in (IC applications.
Excluding transfers in a predefined context, the first level of identification required in ASN. I messages identifies the context o the message. This part of ISO 21007 determines that in (IC applications this is achieved by using an object identifier that shall be determined in accordance with an arc determined in ISO/IEC 8824-1:2008, Annex B.
The ohective of this part of ISO 21007 is therefore to establish a basis where the message can always be identified simply by reference to the relevant standard and without the requirement of central registration authorities (except where those are specifically required in the referred-to document).
4.2 ASN.1 nwssages
Where there is a simple message where no further subdivision according to ASN.1 rules is possible, the message is called an ASN.1 “primitive message”. Such messages will have only one identification and length statement. The CC identilication structure delined in ISO 21007-1:2005, Clause 3 is an ASN.1 primitive message.ISO 21007-2 pdf download.

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