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pulps and related terms
  • BS ISO 4046-2:2016 pdf free.Paper, board, pulps and related terms一Vocabulary Part 2: Pulping terminology. 2.5 BCTMP SEE bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp 2.6 black liquor liquor recovered by separation of the chemical pulp (normally sulfate pulp or soda pulp) from the other products resulting from the cooking process 2.7 bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp BCTMP chemi-thermomechanical pulp that has been bleached to relatively high bnghtness (blue reflectance factor), usually no tess than 70 ISO brightness 2.8 bleached pulp pulp which has been subjected to bleaching Cf. unbleached pulp, semi-bleached pulp, fully bleached pulp bleaching removal or modification, to a greater or lesser extent. of coloured components of pulp with a view to increasing its brightness (blue reflectance factor) 2.10 brown mechanical pulp mechanical pulp made from steamed or boiled wood caustic carbonate semi-chemical pulp semi-chemical pulp in which the cooking medium is predominantly sodium carbonate, to which a small amount of sodium hydroxide has been added to maintain a suitable alkalinity NOTE This pulp is normally used in the manufacture of corrugating mediums. 2.12 chemical pulp pulp obtained by removal from the raw material of a considerable part of those non-carbohydrate components that can be removed by a chemical treatment (e.g. by cooking) NOTE…

  • ISO 4046-3-2016 pdf free.Paper, board, pulps and related terms一 Vocabulary一 Part 3: Paper-making trminology. on-machine créping wet or dry crêping process performed on the paper machine Cf. dry créping. wet créping, off-machine créping 3.94 outturn sheet sheet of paper or board, taken during manufacture serving as a reference for the miii or client 3.95 paper generic term for a range of materials in the form of a coherent sheet or web, excluding sheets or laps of pulp as commonly understood for paper making or dissolving purposes and non-woven products, made by deposition of vegetable, mineral, animal or synthetic fibres, or their mixtures, from a fluid suspension onto a suitable forming device, with or without the addition of other substances cf. sheet, web NOTE 1 Papers may be coated, impregnated or otherwise converted, during or after their manufacture, without necessarily losing their identity as paper. In conventional papermaking processes, the fluid medium is water; new developments, however, include the use of air and other fluids. NOTE 2 In the generic sense, the term paper may be used to describe both paper and board as defined in this part of ISO 4046. The primary distinction between paper and board is normally based…