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Information and documentation
  • ISO/DIS 17068-2015 pdf free.Information and documentation一Trusted third party repository for digital records. ISO/DIS 17068 specifies requirements for a Trusted Third Party Repository(TTPR) to support the authorized custody service in order to ensure provable integrity and authenticity of the clients’ digital records and serve as a source of reliable evidence. This International Standard is applicable to: legally reliable retention service for digital records as a source of reliable evidence during the retention periods of legal obligation in both the private and the public sector, and; – reliable repository service by enabling outsourcing management. This International Standard has the limitation that the authorized custody of the stored records is between only the TTPR and the client. TTPR Certificate of authenticity shall limit on the digital records that prove its authenticity. 2 Normative references ISO 14721: 2003. Space data and information transfer systems — Open Archival Information System — Reference Model ISO 15489-1: 2001, Information and documentation – Records management – Part 1: General ISO 15489-2: 2001, Information and documentation — Records management — Part 2: Guidelines ISO 30301: 201 1, Information and documentation — Management system for records — Requirements ISO/TS 15000-2: 2004, Electronic business eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML) — Part 2:…