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Geographic information
  • ISO 19109-2015 pdf free.Geographic information一Rules for application schema. ISO 19109 defines rules for creating and documenting application schcrnis, including principles for the definition of features. The scope of this International Standard includes the following: — concept LW I modelling of leatures and their properties from a universe of discourse; — definition of application scheinas; use of the conceptual schenia language (or application schernas; — transition trom the concepts in the conceptual model to the data types in the application schema; — integration of standardized schenias from other ISO geographic information standards with the application schema. The following are outside the scope: — choice oloiw particular conceptual schema language tor application schernas; — definition of any particular application schema; — representation of feature types irid their properties iii a feature catalogue; — representation of metadata; — rules br mapping one application schema to another; — implementation of the application schema in a computer environment; — computer system and application software design; — pi-ogra mining. 2 Conformance 2.1 General This International Standard defines 12 conformance classes shown iii Tahh’c I to 12, matching the 12 requirenwnts classes described in Clnof’% 7 and B. Any application schema claiming conformance to any requirements class…

  • BS ISO 19162:2015 pdf free.Geographic information — Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems. BS ISO 19162 defines the structure and content of a text string implementation of the abstract model for coordinate reference systems described in ISO 19111:2007 and ISO 19111-2:2009. The string defines frequently needed types of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations in a self- contained form that is easily readable by machines and by humans. The essence is its simplicity; as a consequence there are some constraints upon the more open content allowed in ISO 19111:2007. To retain simplicity in the well-known text (WKT) description of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations, the scope of this International Standard excludes parameter grouping and pass-through coordinate operations. The text string provides a means for humans and machines to correctly and unambiguously interpret and utilise a coordinate reference system definition with look-ups or cross references only to define coordinate operation mathematics. Because it omits metadata about the source of the data and may omit metadata about the applicability of the information, the WKT string is not suitable for the storage of definitions of coordinate reference systems or coordinate operations. 2 Conformance requirements This International Standard defines eleven classes of…