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Cross cutting terms
  • BS ISO 27917:2017 pdf free.Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage一Vocabulary 一 Cross cutting terms. CCS project life cycle entirety of phases of a CCS project from concept through to post-closure Note I to entry: The CCS project life cycle includes mainly concept, design, obtaining permit, construction, operation, monitoring, measurement and verification, decommissioning, closure and post-closure (see Annex 13). life cycle assessment LCA compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental and health impacts of a CCS project or a component part throughout its life cycle[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.2 modified — “and healthN and a CCS project or a component partN have been added and “of a product system” has been deleted. The Note ito entry has been added.] Note 1 to entry: Boundaries of the assessment include all equipment and processes necessary to evaluate a CCS project or component part. The main input and output flows may include raw materials, process gases. electricity. fossil fuels, water, COz, emission in air and water, solid and liquid waste, co-products, etc. value chain entire sequence of activities or parties that provide or receive value in the form of products or services [SOURCE: ISO 26000:20 10, 2.25j CCS energy consumption…