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Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
  • ISO 18436-1-2012 pdf free.Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel一 Part 1: Requirements for assessment bodies and the assessment process. 5 Requirements for assessment body personnel 5.1 General provisions In order to ensure that the assessment process is carried out effectively and uniformly, the competence requirements for personnel involved in the entire process shall be defined by the assessment body and, in the case of a third party, be approved by the responsible TCC (in accordance with ISO/IEC 17024). The assessment body shall require its personnel (internal or external) to sign a contract, or other document, by which they commit themselves to comply with the rules defined by the assessment body, including those relating to confidentiality and those relating to independence from commercial and other interests, and from any prior or present link with the persons to be examined that would, in the opinion of the interested parties, compromise impartiality. Clearly documented instructions shall be available to the personnel, describing their duties and responsibilities. These instructions shall be maintained up to date. All personnel involved in any aspect of assessment activities shall possess appropriate educational qualifications, experience and technical expertise, which satisfy defined…

  • ISO 13373-5-2020 pdf free.Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines一Vibration condition monitoring 一 Part 5: Diagnostic techniques for fans and blowers. This document sets out the specific procedures to be considered when carrying out vibration diagnostics of various types of fans and blowers. This document is intended to be used by condition monitoring practitioners, engineers and technicians and provides a practical, step-by-step, vibration-based approach to fault diagnosis. In addition, it gives a number of examples for a range of machine and component types and their associated fault symptoms. The approach given in this document is based on established good practice, put together by experienced users, although it is acknowledged that other approaches can exist. Recommended actions for a particular diagnosis depend on individual circumstances, the degree of confidence in the fault diagnosis (e.g. has the same diagnosis been made correctly before for this machine), the experience of the practitioner, the fault type and severity as well as on safety and commercial considerations. It is neither possible nor the aim of this document to recommend actions for all circumstances. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content…