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ISO 18875-2015 pdf free
HomeISO StandardsISO 18875-2015 pdf free

ISO 18875-2015 pdf free.Coalbed methane exploration and development – Terms and definitions.
ISO 18875 provides term i tiology on geology and exploration, engineering construction. field development and production in coalbed methane industry. This International Standard does not coittain SLI riace gaL hering.
2 Terms relating to geology and exploration
2.1 coalbed methane CBM thanerich gas naturally occurring I1 coal seams (and surrounding rock) typically comprising of 110 % to 95 % methane with lower proportions of ethatic, propane, flit rogen •ifl(I carbon (IloXide
Note I to entry: In common international use, this term refers to methane recovered from un—mined coal seams using surface boreholes.
2.2 adsorption cnriclinwnt of the absorptive gas at the external and accessible internal surfaces of a solid material (coal matrix)
ISOLJRCF: ISO 15901-2:2006. 3.21
2.3 desorpt ion Opposite olacIsorptioii (22), in which adsorbed gases leave the surface ofa solid material (coal matrix)
Note 1 to entry: The liberation can he spontaneous but can be accelerated by physical actions.
lS011RCI: ISO 3529-1:19111. 1.13.21
2.4 gas content volume of gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in cubic meter of gas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (SIP) conditions
Note 1 to entry: Unit is m-t or cm3/g. STP conditions are 100 000 Pa and 0 C (273.15 K).
2.5 CBM content volume of hydrocarbon gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in ctihic meter olgas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditions
Note Ito entry: unit is m4/t or cni4/g. STP conditions are I0() 000 Pa and 0 C (273.15 K).
2.6 CBM reservoir coal seams and surrounding rock with hydrocarbon resources that can potentially be extracted for commercial purposes
2.7 initial reservoir pressure initial gas pressure measured in a reservoir, Irior to the start ot production
2.8 pressure gra(lient pressure change with distance ratio of liLlid pressure in the middle of the coal seam and reservoir depth rate of pressure change with respect to depth of coalbed methane reservoir in unit depth, MPa/m. increasing pressure value olcoalbed methane reservoir in unit depth, MPa/m
2.9 ah(lndonnlent pressure lowest pressure at which commercial production can he maintained tinder present economic and technical conditions ej)reSSed by flowing l)OttOfll hole pressure (FIllIP)
2.10 adsorption isotherm relationship between the amount of gas adsorbed anti the equilibrium pressure of the gas at constant temperature
Note I to entry: Normally described by the Langmuir equation Vads=VL •(p/( PL+p).
ISOURCE: ISO 15901-2:2006, 3.5J
2.11 Langmuir volunie VI maximum adsorbed gas content per unit mass of coal at infinite pressure under particular temperature conditions.ISO 18875 pdf free download.

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