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BS ISO 20759:2017 pdf free
HomeISO StandardsBS ISO 20759:2017 pdf free

BS ISO 20759:2017 pdf free.Traditional Chinese medicine一Artemisia argyi leaf.
The following requirements should be met before separating the bulk sample into test samples.
a) Artermisia argyl leaf shall be clean and free from foreign matter.
b) The presence of moldy leaves, external contaminants and living insects which are visible to the naked eye shall not be permitted.
5.2 Macroscopic characteristics
The leaves are mostly crumpled or broken, with short petioles and usually without pseudostipule at the base. The leaf blade is broad ovate, rhombic-ovate, or ovate-elliptical, 5 cm to 9(16) cm long, 4 cm to 8(16) cm wide, and pinnatipartite to pinnatifId; segments in two or three pairs, elliptical-lanceolate, or elliptical-oblanceolate, frequently 1 cm to 1,5(3) cm wide, with margin irregularly dentate or lobed or wide serrate, dentate piece or wide sawtooth, mostly asymmetrically ovate-lanceolate, ovate-triangular, or entire. Smaller leaves are fewer, pinnatipartite, tn-cleft, and sometimes entire and elliptical to lanceolate. The upper surface is greyish-green or dark yellowish-green, possessing somewhat sparse pubescences, denser glandular dots and small pits; lower surface is covered densely with greyish-white tomenta. The petiole is usually 2 mm to 8 mm long, and up to 1,3 cm in the cultivated plants.
It has a specific, delicate aroma and slightly bitter and astringent taste.
5.3 Microscopic characteristics
The powder is greenish-brown. T-shaped hairs (A) are numerous, with a short uniseriate stalk consisting of two to six small cells, and perpendicularly capped by a relatively straight or undulating terminal cell (7 lIm to 18 urn in diameter and up to 980 jim long) tapering at the ends. Soft hairs (B) are uniseriate, consisting of three to five cells, with a very long and twisted apical cell, which are frequently broken. Glandular hairs (C), without stalk, consist of four or six oppositely-overlapped cells in lateral view (Ca) and in pairs and paramecium-like in apical view (Cb). Cluster crystals of calcium oxalate (D) are frequently 3 jim to 12 jim in diameter, mostly occurring in mesophyll cells. Fragments of epidermis in surface view (E) are with anomocytic stornas. Fragments of spiral vessels (F) can be frequently seen; vessels with bordered pit (G) and reticulate vessels (H) are sometimes visible (see Figure 2).BS ISO 20759 pdf free download.

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