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ISO 2286-2-2016 pdf free
HomeISO StandardsISO 2286-2-2016 pdf free

ISO 2286-2-2016 pdf free.Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics – Determination of roll characteristics – Part 2: Methods for determination of total mass per unit area, mass per unit area of coating and mass per unit area of su bstrate.
This part of Iso 2286 specifies methods of determining the total mass per unit area, the mass per unit area of the coating and the mass per unit area of the substrate cloth of a rubber- or plastics-coated fabric. Methods for removing coatings of specific compositions are described in Annex A.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2231:1989, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
3 Determination of total mass per unit area
3.1 Apparatus
3.1.1 Balance, capable of reading to 1 mg or less.
3.1.2 Means of maintaining an atmosphere with a relative humidity not greater than 10 % and a temperature of 65 C ± 5 °C.
NOTE Air at 20 °C and 65 % relative humidity, when heated at constant pressure to 65 °C ± 5 °C, will have a relative humidity of approximately 5%. Higher temperatures can lead to changes in some coatings.
3.1.3 Cutter, capable of cutting. from the sample of coated fabric, a test piece of area 100 cm2 ± 1 cm2.
NOTE It has been found convenient to use a circular cutter for this purpose, but square or rectangular test pieces can be used provided they are within the accuracy specified above.
3.2 Preparation of test pieces
Using the cutter (i1) cut five test pieces from the sample, from positions spaced reasonably evenly and close to the diagonal across the usable width of the sample excluding 50 mm from the edge of the sample so that the full width of the coated fabric is represented.
Do not take any test pieces within 1 m of a production-manufactured roll eni
3.3 Procedure
Unless otherwise agreed between the interested parties to skip the drying process, dry the test pieces to constant mass in an atmosphere with a relative humidity not higher than 10 % at a temperature of
Condition the test pieces in accordance with the method of conditioning 1 in ISO 2231:1989 and, without removing them from the conditioning atmosphere, determine the mass of each to the nearest 5 mg and the surface area of each to within 1 %.
4 Determination of mass per unit area of substrate
CAUTION — Some of the solvents used may be toxic, flammable or otherwise hazardous. Care in the handling of such materials must be exercised. The inhalation of vapours should be avoided. Suitable protective clothing, including gloves and goggles, should be worn when appropriate. It Is recommended that a suitable eyewash be kept In a position convenient for use. Any further precautionary measures recommended by the solvent manufacturer should be followed.
4.1 General
The procedure specified for removing the coating from the substrate cloth is governed both by the nature of the coating and by the nature of the substrate, and indeed for some types of coating there will be no known method of removal. Where this is the case, it shall be reported in the test report.
4.2 Principle
The coating is removed with a stripping agent from the same test pieces as were used for the determination of the total mass per unit area. The stripped test pieces are dried, conditioned and weighed. The procedure is repeated until constant mass is reached.
4.3 Reagent
4.3.1 Suitable solvent system (stripping agent), which has no solvent or chemical action on the substrate. Particular care shall be taken if there are bonding agents or finishing treatments on the substrate which are not essentially part of the coating but which might be removed with it [e.g. bonding agents in nonwoven (bonded-fibre) fabrics, rot-proofing agents, etc.]. If it is known or suspected that such an agent has unavoidably been removed with the coating, this shall be reported in the test report.
NOTE A suitable solvent system can bean organic solvent, a mixture of organic solvents, water or an aqueous solution (see Annex A).
44 Apparatus
The same apparatus as described in 3.1 is required.
4.5 Procedure
4.5.1 Dissolve the coating from each test piece separately. In many cases, the bulk of the coating may be successfully removed mechanically after moistening the substrate with the stripping agent. Use either Soxhlet extraction where appropriate or immerse the test pieces with occasional agitation in at least three successive portions of the solvent at an appropriate temperature until the coating has apparently been completely removed. Ensure at this stage and subsequent stages that any loose threads are retained with the test pieces. If the stripping agent used is itself a solution containing non-volatile components, wash the test pieces several times in a suitable pure solvent.ISO 2286-2 pdf download.

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